Special Issue: Biomimicking surface modification for enhancing biocompatibility

Published 09 October, 2017

Bionic surface is booming as a new realm of biomaterials and tissue engineering filed, and makes a dent in the gap between materials and biological response. More recently, by simulating and utilizing architecture, function and biochemical processes of organism, the excellent materials-organism interface response has been achieved in plentiful researches. Biocompatibility is a pivotal aspect of the materials-biological entities interaction, and enhancing biocompatibility by bionic design is the subject of the special issue. This issue will give special attention to present the cutting edge efforts and achievements of biomimicking surface modification and coating that generate further improvement in interfacial compatibility.

This special issue favourably receive researches as well as reviews that showcase the very latest bionic approach of surface modification and their capacity of heightening biocompatibility, interaction and relationship between Bionic surface and  living organisms.  The broad fields of research relevant to this special issue include bioinspired materials and smart surface, interfacial response of biomaterials, analysis of biomaterial surfaces and interfaces, biomolecules and cells at surface and interface, interface design on biomaterials. Interested authors are encouraged to contact.

Paper submission due:
19 November 2017

Guest Editors:

Nan Huang
School of Materials Science & Engineering
Southwest Jiaotong University
Chengdu, China
Email: nhuang@263.net

Diego Mantovani
Lab Biomaterials & Bioengineering
Laval University
Quebec City, Canada
Email: Diego.Mantovani@gmn.ulaval.ca

Manfred Maitz
The Institute Biofunctional Polymermaterials
Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research (IPF) Dresden
Dresden Area, Germany
Email: maitz@ipfdd.de


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