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ISSN: 2666-3074

DDSS: Driver decision support system based on the driver behaviour prediction to avoid accidents in intelligent transport system

•Driver behaviour prediction algorithm constructed based on driver physical parameters and external parameters.•Driver physical parameters measures the driver drowsiness and alcohol consumption and...

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Image cyberbullying detection and recognition using transfer deep machine learning

•This research addresses shortcomings in existing literature and offers a new perspective in the fight against cyberbullying.•It proposes a hybrid approach that utilizes the strengths of both deep learning...

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A novel and secured email classification and emotion detection using hybrid deep neural network

•A challenge that hasn't been fully solved yet is measuring semantic relationships and similarities of WordNet ontologies to semantically reduce email functionality.•As far as aware no research has...

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Exploring static rebalancing strategies for dockless bicycle sharing systems based on multi-granularity behavioral decision-making

•We propose an adjustable MG CIF PRT based on the TWD framework. This method expands the range of choices for DMs across different granularities and enhances the accuracy of decision outcomes.•We put...

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Novel Darknet traffic data synthesis using Generative Adversarial Networks enhanced with oscillatory Growing Cosine Unit activated convolution layers

•Created a Generative Adversarial network which generates training and testing data for Darknet traffic which is otherwise very difficult to capture.•Enhanced the performance of the GAN by using an...

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Analyze the impact of feature selection techniques in the early prediction of CKD

•Early prediction of CKD is a challenging task.•Machine Learning (ML) Techniques play a significant role.•Optimal feature selection by EFS.•Importance of feature selection in CKD analysis....

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ECDSA-based tamper detection in medical data using a watermarking technique

Telemedicine is a form of healthcare delivery that employs communication technology to provide medical care to patients remotely. The use of telemedicine has seen a significant increase in recent years,...

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Navigating the Nexus: A systematic review of the symbiotic relationship between the metaverse and gaming

•Present a detailed review on the impact of metaverse on the gaming industry and communities.•Present insights into key dimensions and mechanisms of the symbiotic relationship between the metaverse...

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Deep learning-based approaches for abusive content detection and classification for multi-class online user-generated data

•an abusive language detection model that perform multiclass classification of offensive language.•experimented with five deep learning models: Bi-LSTM, LSTM, Bi-GRU, GRU, and multi-dense LSTM.•dataset...

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From predictive analytics to emotional recognition–The evolving landscape of cognitive computing in animal welfare

•Cognitive computing reshapes agriculture & livestock.•Cognitive systems mimic human thought, impacting farming.•Computing detects animal behavior nuances for well-being.•Ethical use of computing is...

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Adversarial learning for Mirai botnet detection based on long short-term memory and XGBoost

•The aim of this research is to develop a resilient defence against Mirai botnet attacks. The Long Short Term Memory term (LSTM) and XGBoost combined have the best performance of 97.7% accuracy score.With...

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Twitter sentiment analysis using conditional generative adversarial network

•In this paper, Conditional Generative Adversarial Network (CGAN), a deep learning framework for sentiment analysis for twitter is proposed.•The Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) a deep learning technique...

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Multi-Agent cubature Kalman optimizer: A novel metaheuristic algorithm for solving numerical optimization problems

•Develop a novel meta-heuristics optimization algorithm inspired by cubature Kalman filter.•Test the MACKO algorithm against CEC2014 test suite with 30 benchmark functions.•Compare the MACKO algorithm...

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Handwritten alphabet classification in Tamil language using convolution neural network

Handwritten Alphabet Recognition can be defined as the way of detecting characters from images of Handwritten language alphabets. This is one of the important problems that can be solved by Convolution...

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Granular-based state estimation for nonlinear fractional control systems and its circuit cognitive application

•Novel impulsive observer algorithm is designed to ensure the cognitive convergence of error dynamic systems.•Resulting criterion reflects well the relationship between the fractional order and the...

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Multi-class sentiment classification on Bengali social media comments using machine learning

•In recent years, immense work has been done on sentiment analysis directed towards the binary (positive, negative) or ternary (positive, neutral, negative) classification. Due to the complexity of...

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Comparison of multiclass classification techniques using dry bean dataset

•Multiclass classification approaches are used for the classification of this study.•This paper uses statistical approach IQR and heatmap for data preprocessing.•Adaptive Synthetic (ADASYN) approach...

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Automatic COVID-19 prediction using explainable machine learning techniques

The coronavirus is considered this century's most disruptive catastrophe and global concern. This disease has prompted extreme social, psychological and economic impacts affecting millions of people...

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Handwritten devanagari manuscript characters recognition using capsnet

•The authors have worked on Devanagari manuscript dataset for character recognition.•The complete dataset was segmented into characters using MicrosoftVoTT and similar characters were grouped in classes.•Monitoring...

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Ontology-based video retrieval using modified classification technique by learning in smart surveillance applications

•We propose a modified R-Ratio with Viola–Jones Classification Method (MRVJCM) for automatic recognition of image queries.•The proposed techniques and their relevant algorithms are used to retrieve...

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Diabetic retinopathy detection using principal component analysis multi-label feature extraction and classification

•Transfer learning was applied using three state-of-the-art CNN architectures, ResNet50, ResNet152, and SqueezeNet1 with parameter-tuning to classify the lesions.•The experimental findings revealed...

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Remarks on path-factor critical avoidable graphs

Zhou (2023) introduced the concept of path-factor critical avoidable graph and determined several parameter bounds for (P≥2,n) or (P≥3,n)-factor critical avoidable graphs. Certain instances are listed...

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Research on mixed decision implications based on formal concept analysis

•The difference between mixed decision context and decision context, and the properties of mixed decision context are also discussed.•A complete semantical system of mixed decision implication is proposed...

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Brain-computer interfacing for flexion and extension of bio-inspired robot fingers

•Motor Imagery (MI) was used for controlling robot fingers .•The anatomical structure of the human hand was used for the development of robot fingers.•Experiment results suggested that with aging the...

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Energy efficient resource utilization and load balancing in virtual machines using prediction algorithms

•Presented a novel resource optimization framework for optimal resource utilization and reduced energy consumption.•Designed an optimization framework that encompasses a resource estimation module to...

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