Special Issue: PPCPs

Published 02 March, 2016

Great concerns have been raised about, pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) as a new group of emerging contaminants. Over the past decade, the research on PPCPs has yielded remarkable insights in terms of their occurrence, behavior and fate in the environment and also best practices for their removal by various technologies.

For this special issue we welcome papers focused on, but not limited to, PPCPs research in the following topics,

  1. Analytical methods
  2. Occurrence and behavior in natural and engineered environment
  3. Technologies for PPCP removal
  4. Risk assessment

During online submission, please select SI: Pharmaceuticals and personal care products in environment during the “Article Type” step.

Guest Editors:

Prof. Gang YU

Tsinghua University

Assoc. Prof. Qian SUI

East China University of Science and Technology

Submission Deadline: 31 May 2016


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