Open access

ISSN: 2950-273X

Rachael Taylor

Associate Editor, Advanced Exercise and Health Science

Department of Medicine, Otago University, New Zealand

Department of Medicine, Otago University, New Zealand


Introduction: Rachael Taylor is a nutritionist by training who is interested in how lifestyle behaviours such as activity, sedentary time, sleep and diet interact to influence health and wellbeing throughout then lifecycle but particularly in children and adolescents. She leads a large research group and undertakes both observational and interventional work in this space. Recent examples include PLAY (introducing more risk and challenge into the school playground to improve physical activity and reduce bullying), POI (determining the effect of an infant sleep intervention on long-term weight management in children), BED (harnessing the power of technology via wearable video cameras to truly measure how children using digital media and how such use affects sleep), DREAM (experimental sleep intervention to determine why not getting sufficient sleep increases the risk of obesity in children), and Moemoeā (online intervention for improving sleep and wellbeing in Māori whanau - indigenous people of New Zealand).

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