Open access

ISSN: 2950-273X

Tiemin Liu

Editorial Board Member, Advanced Exercise and Health Science

School of Life Science, Fudan University, China

School of Life Science, Fudan University, China


Introduction:Dr. Tiemin Liu was a full professor at School of Life Sciences, Fudan University and has served on the Head of Department of Physiology and Neurobiology since 2019. He was also an adjunct professor in Zhongshan Hospital in Fudan University. His research focuses on the anti-obesity neurocircuitry in the brain using conditional, neuron-specific genetic engineering techniques to regulate gene expression in the mouse brain. He currently extends his research interests to the brain regulation of peripheral tissues including adipose, muscle, liver, etc. He already published more than 70 papers including Cell, Cell Metabolism, Neuron, Nature Neuroscience, Cell Reports, Diabetes, Molecular Metabolism.

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