Special issue: Emerging nano bioremediation techniques

Published 09 October, 2023


The Industrial Revolution and the subsequent urbanization have given rise to the generation of large volumes of effluents that are often contaminated with hazardous refractory pollutants such as dyes, heavy metals, biological wastes, pesticides, radioactive elements, among others. An increased emphasis on scientific research concerning water chemistry has led to the development of cutting-edge wastewater and water purification technologies. Despite these advances, the global quality of freshwater resources continues to decline.

While conventional wastewater treatment methods primarily target the removal of suspended solids, nutrients, and bacteria, several refractory pollutants remain extremely challenging to eliminate, thereby posing significant threats to both the environment and human health. These environmental contaminants exhibit a resistance to conventional wastewater treatment processes, persisting largely unchanged and infiltrating groundwater. This scenario underscores the need for an advanced wastewater treatment process that can remove environmental contaminants to ensure safe and clean drinking and irrigational water sources.

This special issue will focus on novel strategies and innovative processes for the removal of trace organic contaminants and microorganisms. It will cover nanotechnology-driven solutions in association with membrane bioreactors, moving bed bioreactors, light and solar technology, ozonation, and immobilized heterogeneous photocatalysis to ensure wastewater recycling for reuse. Biogenic nanoparticles, nano biosorbents, biochar, and nanofiltration will be covered to highlight the latest developments in the field of drinking water reuse. The insights shared in this special issue hold significant relevance for advancing nanotechnological progress in safeguarding public health, enhancing system reliability, and improving monitoring practices.

Topics covered:

  • Innovative biotechnological solutions, including bioelectrochemical technologies, for the remediation of contaminated environmental matrices.
  • Sustainable materials used in bioremediation technologies.
  • Extension of bioprocesses from large-scale laboratory microcosms, including field applications.
  • Microbiological and biomolecular research on the role of microorganisms in bioremediation technologies, including new biomonitoring solutions.
  • Multidisciplinary case studies of efficient bioremediation technologies for the restoration of contaminated sites.

Important Deadlines:

  • Submission deadline: June 30, 2024

Submission Instructions:

Please read the Guide for Authors before submitting. All articles should be submitted online; please select [Bioremediation techniques] on submission.

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