Animal Nutrition number of downloads ramp up on ScienceDirect!

Published 22 March, 2016

When talking about Chinese launched English language journals, especially in the field of animal nutrition and feed science, Animal Nutrition is one of a kind. Within a single year, since its launch at the beginning of 2015, the journal has attracted a considerable number of high quality research articles and reviews from experts all over the world, and has also received a great deal of attention from the international academic community. 

Between March and December, the downloads for Animal Nutrition on ScienceDirect have shown impressive growth, in addition to which the journal has made serious progress towards reaching the rest of its objectives. Since its launch the journal has achieved over 32,000 downloads in 2015 in total. Being an open access journal, all articles and issues are freely available from

Animal Nutrition appreciates all the support and interest the academic community has given us that has allowed us to make such outstanding early progress. From a long term perspective, increasing global visibility will enable the journal to be selective when it comes to publishing only the highest quality research, while accelerating its growth and allowing it to compete worldwide with the top journals in field.

Again we would like to thank all those that have helped us and we look forward to receiving your submission in the near future!

Science Direct number of Downloads for Animal Nutrition 2015

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