
All KeAi journal articles are hosted on ScienceDirect.

ScienceDirect is one of the world’s most advanced web delivery systems for full-text scientific, technical and medical information. Home to 2,500 peer-reviewed journals spanning 24 major scientific disciplines, it helps researchers take their next steps towards discovery. In addition, the platform hosts 39,000 e-books and 330,000+ free topic pages containing reliable background and contextual knowledge.

ScienceDirect also offers time-saving tools that help you keep on top of the growing volumes of information available; for example, search and alerts, reading history and enhanced reader functionality, and links to external datasets.

ScienceDirect for authors

  • Your article will be tagged open access on ScienceDirect, so it’s easy to find for the 1 million+ visitors the platform receives each day.
  • You can track your visibility with insights into who is citing or downloading your article.
  • Visitors can set up alerts to receive notifications when you publish a new paper.
  • The personal recommendations tool means your work might be highlighted to visitors reading similar articles in your field.

All KeAi published content is also digitally archived with CLOCKSS, Portico, and the Dutch National Library - Koninklijke Bibliotheek. 


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