We are proud to publish journals in partnership with several prestigious societies and academic institutions including:

Central China Normal University (CCNU)
Journal: Advanced Agrochem
Advanced Agrochem is devoted to a wide range of sub-fields in agricultural chemistry. Articles of an interdisciplinary nature are particularly welcome. The journal publishes timely and in-depth reviews, insightful perspectives, highlights, high-quality original research results and communications.
Topics covered by Advanced Agrochem include, but are not limited to:
- Agrochemicals
- Agricultural analytic chemistry and food safety
- Agriculture biochemistry
- Chemical biology
- Agriculture biotransformation
- Agriculture biotechnology
- Pesticide science and plant protection
- High-value transformation and use of agricultural outputs

Journal: Advanced Industrial and Engineering Polymer Research
Advanced Industrial and Engineering Polymer Research aims to provide a high-quality forum for the latest progress and breakthroughs in polymer research and corresponding practical applications within the industry. For this purpose, the journal targets a broad audience of industrial and academic researchers, aiming to bridge the gap between these groups. This journal not only publishes up-to-date applied polymer research achievements for the industry and promotes their translation into new and revolutionary technologies, but also provides scientists and engineers with rapid and comprehensive information and overviews of the polymer industry as a reference for their research.

Nanjing Tech University
Journal: Advanced Membranes
Advanced Membranes (Adv. Membr.) presents the latest developments in membranes and related disciplines. It emphasizes the emerging, advanced, and multidisciplinary trends in chemical engineering, material, energy, and environmental studies. The journal also promotes communication and exchange among researchers and engineers in the field, wherever they are based in the world.

Central South University
Journal: Advanced Powder Materials
Advanced Powder Materials (APM) is an open-access journal. lt operates at the frontiers of powder materials research and promotes the development of powder materials science and technology.

Beijing Climate Center (the National Climate Center of China Meteorological Administration)
Journal: Advances in Climate Change Research
Advances in Climate Change Research publishes scientific research and analyses on climate change and the interactions of climate change with society. This journal encompasses basic science and economic, social, and policy research, including studies on mitigation and adaptation to climate change.

Chinese Association of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine (CAAV)
Journal: Animal Nutrition
Animal Nutrition encompasses the full gamut of animal nutritional science, including, but not limited to, fundamental aspects of animal nutrition such as nutritional requirements, metabolic studies, body composition, energetics, immunology, neuroscience, microbiology, genetics and molecular and cell biology related to nutrition and applied aspects of animal nutrition, such as raw material evaluation, feed additives, nutritive value of novel ingredients, and feed safety.

Shanghai Ocean University / China Society of Fisheries
Journal: Aquaculture and Fisheries
Aquaculture and Fisheries welcomes original research articles, short communications, and review papers in the multidisciplinary fields of aquaculture and fisheries, encompassing
- Aquaculture;
- Aquaculture Engineering;
- Husbandry and Management;
- Nutrition;
- Disease and Immunology;
- Fish Biochemistry, Genetics, and Molecular Biology;
- Fish Physiology and Endocrinology;
- Aquatic Biology, Environment, and Ecology;
- Fishery Resource Habitats and Management;
- GIS in Fisheries;
- Fishing Gear, Vessels, and Engineering;
- Fisheries Machinery and Instruments;
- Fisheries Economics and Management
- Preservation and Processing of Aquatic Products.

China Ornithological Society
Journal: Avian Research
Avian Research is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles covering all aspects of ornithology, including, but not limited to:
- Conservation biology
- Behavioral ecology
- Evolutionary ecology
- Phylogenetics, systematics and genomics
- Biogeography
- Population and community ecology
- Migration and movement ecology
- Breeding and reproductive biology
- Physiological ecology
- New technology and methodology

International Open Benchmark Council (BenchCouncil)
Journal: BenchCouncil Transactions on Benchmarks, Standards and Evaluations
BenchCouncil Transactions on Benchmarks, Standards and Evaluations (TBench) is an open-access journal dedicated to advancing the field of benchmarks, data sets, standards, evaluations and optimizations. We invite submissions covering a wide range of topics from various disciplines, with a particular emphasis on interdisciplinary research. Whether it pertains to computers, AI, medicine, education, finance, business, psychology, or other social disciplines, all relevant contributions are welcome. At TBench, we prioritize the reproducibility of research. We strongly encourage authors to ensure that their articles are prepared for open-source or artifact evaluation before submission.

Chongqing University (CQU)
Journal: Biogeotechnics
Biogeotechnics is an international interdisciplinary journal that bridges the gap between bioengineering, bionics, and earth science engineering, particularly in the areas of bio-mediated design such as biomineralization, soil bioengineering using vegetation and fungi and bio-inspired design in the applications of geotechnical engineering. The journal aims to publish original studies on the experimental and theoretical aspects of bio-mediated and bio-inspired solutions in the geotechnical system, including laboratory and field testing, computational methods, design principles, and site investigation.
Biogeotechnics focuses on interdisciplinary topics on the application of microbially mediated processes, biomaterials, vegetation, fungi, and bio-inspired design methods, in geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering, rock engineering, pavement engineering, geological engineering, as well as offshore and marine engineering. Topics of interest include numerical and analytical methods in soil and rock mechanics with bio-mediated and bio-inspired solutions; constitutive modeling in bio-mediated soil and rock including elasticity, plasticity, creep, localization, fracture, and instabilities; neural networks, expert systems, optimization, and reliability; statics and dynamics of interacting structures and foundations with bio-mediated and bio-inspired solutions; liquid and gas flow through geologic bio-reinforced media, contaminant transport and groundwater problems with bio-mitigation; geohazards mitigation in earthquakes, landslides and subsidence; soil/rock improvement with bio-mediated and bio-inspired method; and the development of bio-mediated and bio-inspired models validations using laboratory and field measurements.

International Hemorrhagic Stroke Association
Journal: Brain Hemorrhages
Brain Hemorrhages is an international, open-access journal that aims to provide an academic exchange platform for neurology, specifically brain hemorrhages, at an international level.
The journal welcomes papers that are related to all aspects of brain hemorrhage, including cerebral hemorrhage, subarachnoid hemorrhage, aneurysm rupture, cerebral arteriovenous malformation, traumatic cerebral hemorrhage, and hematomyelia. The journal covers the subject of brain hemorrhage across all disciplines, including neurology, neurosurgery, neuroimaging, neurological rehabilitation, neurological emergency, and anesthesiology. Article types include original research papers, reviews, and case reports. Our strict peer-review procedure guarantees a high academic standard of papers, thus honoring the reputation of the journal.

Hunan University of Chinese Medicine
Journal: Digital Chinese Medicine
Digital Chinese Medicine (DCM) is a new, quarterly, open-access global publication, officially funded by the Project for Enhancing the International Impact of China STM Journals —2016.

Seismological Society of China (SSC)
Journal: Earthquake Science
Earthquake Science (EQS) aims to publish high-quality, original, peer-reviewed articles on earthquake-related research subjects. It is an English international journal sponsored by the Seismological Society of China and the Institute of Geophysics, China Earthquake Administration.

The Institute of Chemical Materials
Journal: Energetic Materials Frontiers
One of the key goals of Energetic Materials Frontiers journal is to disseminate original basic and applied research results in the field of energetic materials and fuels. It seeks to bridge gaps between theoretical and experimental basic science, and interdisciplinary, applied, goals-oriented research and development. It also aims to provide a comprehensive open access publishing platform to researchers and scholars from various fields of science and technology related to energetic materials and fuels. Our goal is to trigger effective "cross pollination" of ideas and methodologies and provide researchers at various stages of their academic careers with the opportunity to be part of the broader scholarly community.

Southwest Jiaotong University
Journal: Energy and Built Environment
Energy and Built Environment (EBE) is an international journal that disseminates original research articles on energy harvesting and utilization in the built environment. The aim is to present new research results that are focused on promoting energy efficiency, clean energy utilization, and environment quality in the built environment, which constitutes buildings and transportation.

INOPEC Petroleum Exploration and Production Research Institute
Journal: Energy Geoscience
Energy Geoscience is a quarterly, international, open access journal with a multidisciplinary focus. The Journal explores conventional, non-conventional, and sustainable energy resources including:
- Oil and gas geology
- Tectonic models
- Exploration and development
- Geothermal energy

Xi'an Jiaotong University
Journal: Energy Storage and Saving
Energy Storage and Saving (ENSS) is an international, interdisciplinary, open access journal that disseminates original research articles in the field of energy storage and energy saving. The aim of ENSS is to present new research results that are focused on promoting sustainable energy utilisation, improving energy efficiency, and achieving energy conservation and pollution reduction.

Beijing Forestry University
Journal: Forest Ecosystems
Forest Ecosystems is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal publishing scientific communications from any discipline that can provide interesting contributions about the structure and dynamics of "natural" and "domesticated" forest ecosystems, and their services to people. The journal welcomes innovative science as well as application-oriented work that will enhance understanding of woody plant communities. Very specific studies are welcome if they are part of a thematic series that provides some holistic perspective that is of general interest.

National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)
Journal: Fundamental Research
Fundamental Research features high-calibre research covering all areas of the natural sciences and high-tech fields, including:
- Mathematics and Physics
- Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
- Life Sciences
- Earth Sciences
- Engineering and Materials Science
- Information Sciences
- Management Sciences
- Health and Medical Sciences

Liaoning University
Journal: Geohazard Mechanics
Geohazard Mechanics publishes basic and applied research papers highlighting new theories, technologies, methods and the latest academic trends in geological disaster mechanics. The journal reveals and explores the objective laws involved in the occurrence and evolution of major natural and engineering geological disasters, such as earthquakes, landslides, rock bursts, collapses, debris flows, gas outbursts, water inrushes and mud outbursts. Geohazard Mechanics also analyses and discusses the engineering records of natural and engineering geological disaster events, summarises experiences and lessons learned, and reports on research trends of geological disasters and emergency rescue countermeasures for disaster prevention and mitigation. Alongside academic ideas, research methods and results of geological disaster mechanics are widely exchanged.

Global Energy Interconnection Development and Cooperation Organization (GEIDCO)
Journal: Global Energy Interconnection
The Global Energy Interconnection (GEI) Journal publishes original research on theories and developments as well practical applications on principles of large scale low carbon energy generation, transmission, distribution & storage technologies, global energy interconnection & system developments, global energy policy and energy market operations, global climate changes & environmental impacts, global energy transition strategies and global energy governance. GEI journal has been indexed in multiple databases such as EI Compendex, Scopus, Inspec, DOAJ, Elsevier ScienceDirect, etc.

People's medical publishing house Co., Ltd (PMPH)
Journal: Global Health Journal
Global Health Journal is a quarterly publication in English. It publishes peer-reviewed research papers from disciplines within and beyond the Health Sciences.

Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IPE)
Journal: Green Chemical Engineering
Green Chemical Engineering (GreenChE) is an international journal focusing on significant cutting-edge research and the latest technological advances in core areas of green and sustainable development of chemistry and chemical engineering as well as in other relevant disciplines. Articles should present new findings of exceptional significance to their field, and also be of wider interest to readers working in other areas across the green chemical engineering.

Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IPE)
Journal: Green Energy & Environment
Green Energy & Environment (GEE) is a peer-reviewed, international, interdisciplinary journal for the publication of relevant and qualified research related to all aspects of green energy and the environment, such as biofuel and bioenergy, energy storage and networks, catalysis for sustainable processes, and materials for energy and the environment. The scope of GEE is very broad, and GEE particularly welcomes original, novel fundamental, and engineering research. GEE also aims to provide a platform for the discussion, summary, review, and preview of green energy and its impact on the eco-environment.

Fudan University
Journal: Green Synthesis and Catalysis
Green Synthesis and Catalysis (GSC) is dedicated to publishing high-impact research discoveries and results from academic and industrial laboratories on sustainable synthetic technologies for molecule construction and production. The journal features content that is related to homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis, including organometallics, metal-complex catalysis, organocatalysis, photocatalysis, and biocatalysis, and synthetic technologies such as synthesis design, reaction techniques, flow chemistry and continuous processing, multiphase catalysis, green reagents and solvents, catalyst immobilization and recycling, biotechnology, and separation science and process development.

Chinese Society for Horticultural Science (CSHS)
Journal: Horticultural Plant Journal
Horticultural Plant Journal (HPJ) is an international open access publication. HPJ covers all aspects of horticultural crop sciences, including, but not limited to:
- Genetics, genomics and breeding
- Cellular and molecular biology
- Biochemistry
- Biotechnology
- Plant pathology
- Germplasm resources
- Physiology
- Postharvest processing

AVIC Manufacturing Technology Institute (AVIC MTI)
Journal: International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture
International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture is an open-access journal that provides a high-quality platform for academic researchers and industrial engineers working with lightweight materials and manufacturing technologies to publish full-length research papers on original and rigorous work. Each paper is subjected to a rigorous but rapid peer-review process by experts with strong reputations in their research fields. Review papers and short communications are also welcome.

Tongji University
Journal: International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology
The International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology (IJTST) is a forum for researchers to disseminate innovative research that enhances the safety, efficiency, reliability, resilience, and sustainability of person and freight transportation. IJTST welcomes technical articles that contribute to the advancement of science and technology in all modes of transportation systems. While science and technology is the main theme of this journal, articles submitted for possible publication should also address the impacts of the new science and technology on the planning, design, construction, maintenance and operations of transportation facilities, and the quality of life of the end users. The ability to link the intellectual merit of scientific research with broader impacts, and discuss implementation issues makes IJTST of interest to not only researchers, but also policy makers, practitioners, innovators, and entrepreneurs. All the articles published in IJTST have been selected through a rigorous single-blind peer-review process under the direction of the Editorial Board.
The International Research and Training Center on Erosion and Sedimentation (IRTCES) China Water & Power Press (CWPP) China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research (IWHR)
Journal: International Soil and Water Conservation Research
The International Soil and Water Conservation Research (ISWCR), the official journal of the World Association of Soil and Water Conservation (WASWAC),, is a multidisciplinary journal for soil and water conservation research, practice, policy, and perspectives. This journal aims to disseminate new knowledge and promote the practice of soil and water conservation.

Nanjing Forestry University (NJFU)
Journal: Journal of Bioresources and Bioproducts
The Journal of Bioresources and Bioproducts (J.Bioresour.Bioprod.) is co-published by Nanjing Forestry University (NFU), the University of New Brunswick (UNB), and the Cellulose and Renewable Materials Division of the Chinese Chemical Society. JB&B seeks to promote research on all aspects pertaining to the conversion of forest bioresources into biomaterials, biochemicals, bio-based nanomaterials and application, and bio-based stimuli materials for intelligent application, including fundamental, applied, and engineering research. The journal publishes Original research papers, reviews, mini reviews, Editorial, Letter to the Editor, Commentary, Method, Opinions that are of high quality, high interest, and far-reaching consequence. Articles submitted to JB&B should reflect one of the following 7 themes

University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Journal: Journal of Electronic Science and Technology
The Journal of Electronic Science and Technology (JEST) (ISSN 1674-862X), is a peer-reviewed periodical devoted to the rapid publication of original and significant contributions related to state-of-the-art achievements in the theory, technology, design, analysis, applications, etc., of electronic science and technology, including but not limited to the following highlighted areas:
- Computer Science and Technology
- Communications and information technology
- Bioelectronics and biomedicine
- Energy, materials, and nanotechnology
- Energy-efficient technology
- Materials, devices, and systems for sustainable energy
- Neural networks and intelligent systems
- Networks and communications security
- Quantum technology
- Signal and image processing with applications
- Smart grid and renewable energy technology
- Terahertz science and technology

Beijing Food Research Institute (BFRI)
Journal: Journal of Future Foods
Journal of Future Foods is an international, peer-reviewed open access journal belonging to the discipline of food science and technology. The aim of the journal is to report the latest research results of high-tech in food science. We welcome submissions that drive the field of food science towards whole food nutrition, intelligence and high technology.
Shanghai Interventional Radiology Press
Journal: Journal of Interventional Medicine
The Journal of interventional Medicine publishes rigorously peer-reviewed, high-quality original articles and authoritative reviews that focus on developments and advances in interventional medicine. This journal is a publication for current developments, recent study results, and state-of-the-art techniques and technologies in the field of interventional medicine, aiming to encourage the translation of research findings into clinical practice and to promote practical applications of research results in the field of interventional medicine.

PipeChina Institute of Science and Technology
Journal: Journal of Pipeline Science and Engineering
The Journal of Pipeline Science and Engineering aims to provide an essential medium for communication and dissemination of new ideas, original researches and technology innovation in the general area of energy pipelines transporting oil, natural gas and non-conventional fossil fuels (e.g., heavy oil, diluted bitumen, shale oil, shale gas and oil sands slurry), as well as hydrogen, carbon dioxide and biofuels.

Chang'an University
Journal: Journal of Road Engineering
As an international academic journal, Journal of Road Engineering (JRE) provides a platform for exchange and discussion of novel and creative ideas on theoretical and experimental researches on road engineering. It publishes peer-reviewed papers about roads construction and maintenance in special regions, environmentally friendly road materials, energy-saving and noise-reducing functional pavements, intelligent construction, etc., focusing on the basic theories and common technologies of road engineering under the concept of green, smart, resilient, sustainable, and electrical development. JRE is committed to promote the transformation and application of scientific and technological achievements as well as serve scientific and technological development and international academic communication in the field of road engineering.

China Science Publishing & Media
Journal: Journal of Safety Science and Resilience
Journal of Safety Science and Resilience is a scholarly journal that publishes scientific research on the practice of safety science and resilience as well as latest improvements in the field. This area emphasizes science and technology in natural disasters and man-made and environmental hazards, including 1) monitoring based on sensor networks, video technology, and information and communication systems; 2) early warning based on experiments, modeling, and simulation; 3) resilience analysis to improve the resilience of critical infrastructure systems and communities; 4) data analysis and the evaluation of emergent events in social networks; and 5) optimization analysis of responses to accidents and disasters.

Chang'an University
Journal: Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition)
As an academic journal, the Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition) provides a platform for the exchange and discussion of novel and creative ideas on theoretical and experimental research in the field of transportation. This journal publishes high-quality peer-reviewed papers on engineering, planning, management, and information technology for transportation. The journal is committed to rapid peer review and publication.

Zhejiang University (ZJU)
Journal: Laparoscopic, Endoscopic and Robotic Surgery
Laparoscopic, Endoscopic and Robotic Surgery aims to provide an academic exchange platform for minimally invasive surgery at an international level. We seek out and publish the excellent original articles, reviews and editorials as well as exciting new techniques to promote the academic development.

Sun Yat-sen University
Journal: Liver Research
Liver Research is an international, open-access, peer-reviewed English journal that publishes reviews, editorials, and original articles describing novel developments covering all aspects of liver and biliary science on a quarterly basis.

Innovation Academy of Precision Measurement Science and Technology(APM)
Journal: Magnetic Resonance Letters
Magnetic Resonance Letters (MRL) is an open access journal that publishes research articles, communications and reviews on all aspects of magnetic resonance. The journal encompasses research on in vivo magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS), high-resolution liquid and solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), electron spin/paramagnetic resonance (ESR) and nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR), etc.
Chongqing Xixin Tianyuan Data & Information Co., Ltd.
Journal: Materials Reports: Energy
Materials Reports: Energy (MRE), launched in 2021, is part of the Materials Reports journal series. This peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary, open access journal deals with the critical challenges that energy and environment pose to the modern world.

Chongqing University (CQU)
Journal: Nano Materials Science
Nano Materials Science (NMS) is an international and interdisciplinary, open access, scholarly journal. NMS publishes peer-reviewed original articles and reviews on nanoscale material science and nanometer devices, with topics encompassing preparation and processing; high-throughput characterization; material performance evaluation and application of material characteristics such as the microstructure and properties of one-dimensional, two-dimensional, and three-dimensional nanostructured and nanofunctional materials; design, preparation, and processing techniques; and performance evaluation technology and nanometer device applications.

CNPC Sichuan Petroleum Administration (CNPC SPA)
Journal: Natural Gas Industry B
Natural Gas Industry B covers all fields of the natural gas industry from upstream to downstream, including geological research, geophysical exploration, gas recovery, drilling engineering, gas processing and utilization, gas storage and transportation, QHSE management, marketing, and the economy. Topics include: the origin and accumulation of natural gas; natural gas geochemistry; geophysical exploration; gas-reservoir engineering; well logging, testing, and evaluation; mathematical modeling; enhanced gas recovery; thermodynamics and phase behavior; gas-reservoir modeling and simulation; natural gas production engineering; primary and enhanced production from unconventional gas resources, subsurface issues related to coalbed methane, tight gas, shale gas, and hydrate production and formation evaluation; long-distance pipelines; digital technologies applied in gas fields; gas processing/LNG/CNG technologies; LNG terminals and underground gas storage; and natural gas pricing and marketing.

Southwest Petroleum University (SWPU)
Journal: Petroleum
Examples of appropriate topical areas that will be considered include the following:
- comprehensive research on oil and gas reservoir (reservoir geology)
- geological basis of oil and gas reservoirs
- reservoir geochemistry
- reservoir formation mechanism
- reservoir identification methods and techniques
- kinetics of oil and gas basins and analyses of potential oil and gas resources
- fine description factors of hydrocarbon accumulation
- mechanism analysis on recovery and dynamic accumulation process
- relationship between accumulation factors and the accumulation process
- analysis of oil and gas potential resource
- theories and methods for complex reservoir geophysical prospecting
- geophysical basis of deep geologic structures and background of hydrocarbon occurrence
- geophysical prediction of deep and complex reservoirs
- physical test analyses and numerical simulations of reservoir rocks
- anisotropic medium seismic imaging theory and new technology for multiwave seismic exploration
- theories and methods for reservoir fluid geophysical identification and prediction
- theories, methods, technology, and design for complex reservoir development
- reservoir percolation theory and application technology
- field development theories and methods
- theory and technology for enhancing recovery efficiency
- working liquid for oil and gas wells and reservoir protection technology
- working chemicals and mechanics for oil and gas wells
- reservoir protection technology
- new techniques and technologies for oil and gas drilling and production
- under-balanced drilling/gas drilling
- special-track well drilling
- cementing and completion of oil and gas wells
- engineering safety applications for oil and gas wells
- new technology of fracture acidizing

Chinese Petroleum Society (CPS)
Journal: Petroleum Research
Petroleum Research is an academic journal cosponsored by the Chinese Petroleum Society and Petroleum Industry Press Co., LTD. This quarterly journal publishes high-quality, peer-reviewed scientific papers on basic and applied studies in petroleum science and technology.