Open Access

This journal is a peer reviewed, subsidized open access journal where University of Science and Technology Beijing pays the OA fee. Authors do not have to pay any open access publication fee.
Peer review under the responsibility of University of Science and Technology Beijing.

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All articles published open access will be immediately and permanently free for everyone to read, download, copy and distribute.

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A CC user license manages the reuse of the article. Articles will be published under one of the following licenses according to author's choice:

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC-BY)

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Author Rights
For open access publishing, this journal uses a licensing agreement. For the single article, Authors will transfer the copyright to the University of Science and Technology Beijing, but will have the right to reuse the article on the terms of their selected end user license, and KeAi Communications Co., Ltd. and the University of Science and Technology Beijing will be granted non-exclusive publishing and distribution rights.

Contact details
Dr. Siran Liu
Phone: +86-10-6233 4901
Address: Institute for Cultural Heritage and History of Science & Technology, University of Science and Technology Beijing, 30 Xueyuan Road, Beijing, China

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