Joining the force: ACACR teams up with Genes & Diseases
Published 05 September, 2023

Since May 2018, the Association of Chinese Americans in Cancer Research (ACACR, Baltimore, MD, USA; and the copyright holder of Genes & Diseases, Chongqing Medical University (Chongqing, China) formed a partnership in scientific publishing of exciting findings in basic, translational, and clinical biomedical research.
ACACR is a non-profit organization and currently comprises approximately 1000 basic scientists, physician-scientists, and physicians in the areas of basic and translational research, as well as pharmaceutical scientists in the area of anticancer drug development and treatments. The mission of ACACR is to prevent and cure cancer through fostering interactions and collaborations among Chinese Americans in all areas of cancer research, including cancer biology, etiology, genetics, epidemiology, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. ACACR also promotes interactions and collaborations among professionals of Chinese background and/or ethnicity in cancer research through the exchange of information in education, technology, employment, and business opportunities.
On behalf of the ACACR, Dr. Zhenghe John Wang of Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine serves as the Executive Coordinator for the ACACR Alliance with Genes & Diseases to coordinate and facilitate the partnership. Dr. Wang will also serve as a Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Genes & Diseases to provide scientific expertise on the peer-review process. Dr. John Wang is chairman of the Department of Genetics and Genome Sciences, and Dale H. Cowan M.D. -Ruth Goodman Blum Professor of Cancer Research at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine. He co-leads the Cancer Genome and Epigenome program at Case Comprehensive Cancer Center. He was named as a co-leader of the prestigious Standup to Cancer (SU2C) Colorectal Cancer Dream Team in 2017. The Editors-in-Chief, T. C. He, Professor of The University of Chicago Medical Center, and Ailong Huang, Professor and the President of Chongqing Medical University, welcome the ACACR alliance with Genes & Diseases, and have been working closely with ACACR members to improve and enhance the publication quality of the journal.