JFDS awards 2022 announced
Published 24 February, 2023
The Editor-in-Chief and the Editorial Office at The Journal of Finance and Data Science sincerely thank all authors and reviewers for their valuable time, expertise and efforts. Owing to their contribution, we have successfully maintained the journal's scientific excellence and quality.
The following awards were presented in recognition of significant contributions to the journal in 2022:
Best Reviewer Awards
- Zhijian (James) Huang, Rochester Institute of Technology, US
- Yuan Tian, University of Cincinnati, US
- Luis Ceballos, University of San Diego, US

Most Cited Article Awards
- Short-term bitcoin market prediction via machine learning. Patrick Jaquart, David Dann, Christof Weinhardt. Volume 7, Pages 45-66
- Pairwise acquisition prediction with SHAP value interpretation. Katsuya Futagami, Yusuke Fukazawa, Nakul Kapoor, Tomomi Kito. Volume 7, Pages 22-44

Most Downloaded Awards
- Short-term bitcoin market prediction via machine learning. Patrick Jaquart, David Dann, Christof Weinhardt. Volume 7, Pages 45-66
- Selecting appropriate methodological framework for time series data analysis. Min B. Shrestha, Guna R. Bhatta. Volume 4, Issue 2, Pages 71-89
- Machine learning portfolio allocation. Michael Pinelis, David Ruppert. Volume 8, Pages 35-54

Outstanding Article Awards
- The Outstanding Paper in FinTech Award
- FinLex: An effective use of word embeddings for financial lexicon generation. Sanjiv R. Das, Michele Donini, Muhammad Bilal Zafar, John He, Krishnaram Kenthapadi. Volume 8, Pages 1-11
- The Outstanding Paper in Fixed-Income Award
- Term structure of interest rates with short-run and long-run risks. Olesya V. Grishchenko, Zhaogang Song, Hao Zhou. Volume 8, Pages 255-295
- The Outstanding Paper in Accounting Award
- Big data, accounting information, and valuation. Doron Nissim. Volume 8, Pages 69-85

On behalf of the journal, we would like to congratulate the recipients of the awards. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank our contributors for their continued support.