Special Issue on Technological Innovation for Adaptation to Climate Change
Published 04 March, 2024
Climate change has been threatening the sustainability of social-economic systems. There is an urgent need to scale up adaptation efforts fostered by scientific knowledge, technology, portfolios of policies and instruments, financing, and inclusive governance. Amongst these elements for adaptation, technology stands as a core pillar, strengthening the integrated technological innovation is a key enabler for successful adaptation.
This special issue aims to advance the implementation of adaptation actions through technological development and explore methods to cultivate favorable environments for innovation in adaptation. The topics covered in this special issue include:
- Interdisciplinary methodologies for developing adaptation technology systems for key sectors of agriculture, water, energy, andhuman health;
- Synergetic pathways to adaptation technological development for maximizing the co-benefitsof economic development and biodiversity;
- Case studies on the application of adaptation technologies; and
- Financial and institutional mechanismsto enable innovation in adaptation technologies.
Your contributions to this special issue are highly appreciated. Please indicate that your submission is intended for Technological Innovation for Climate Change Adaptation.
Important deadlines:
- Submission deadline: 31 July 2024
- Publication date: 31 December 2024
Guest Editors:
- Prof Yinlong Xu, Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development in Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. xuyinlong@caas.cn
- Prof Fei Teng, Institute of Energy, Environment and Economy of Tsinghua University Tsinghua University. tengfei@tsinghua.edu.cn
- Prof Wenjia Cai, Department of Earth System Science, Tsinghua University. wcai@tsinghua.edu.cn