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ISSN: 2949-9291

Development and optimization of biomimetic-chemically induced carbonate precipitation: A review of recent research

With further investigation on biomineralization, biomimetic mineralization has been proposed in imitation of microorganism behavior, in which the mechanism of biomineralization is utilized for the control...

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Role of root morphological and architectural traits: Insights into root-inspired anchorage and foundation systems

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Biogenic construction: The new era of civil engineering

With the increasing demand for buildings and infrastructures and the mounting challenges associated with the current construction technologies such as high emission, high pollution, and high energy...

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Improved methods, properties, applications and prospects of microbial induced carbonate precipitation (MICP) treated soil: A review

Soil improvement is one of the most important issues in geotechnical engineering practice. The wide application of traditional improvement techniques (cement/chemical materials) are limited due to damage...

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Development characteristics and quantitative analysis of cracks in root-soil complex during different growth periods under dry-wet cycles

Repeated wet swelling and dry shrinkage of soil leads to the gradual occurrence of cracks and the formation of a complex fracture network. In order to study the development characteristics and quantitative...

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Miniaturized device to measure urease activity in the soil interstitial fluid using wenner method

This paper presents a microdevice developed to measure the electrical conductivity of a liquid or a saturated porous medium using Wenner method. It is developed in the context of biocementation as soil...

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Physical property of MICP-treated calcareous sand under seawater conditions by CPTU

MICP (Microbially induced calcite precipitation), an environmentally friendly soil improvement technique, has great potential in ocean engineering due to its ability to promote the precipitation of...

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Evaluating the performance and durability of concrete paving blocks enhanced by bio-cement posttreatment

Concrete pavement often experiences accelerated deterioration due to water and chemical ingress through micro-cracks and surface voids. Particularly, the ingress of aggressive agents into the concrete...

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Application of biophosphates in geo-environmental engineering: An overview

Geo-environmental engineering is concerned with the contamination remediation, soil reinforcement, and ecological sustainability of problematic soil matrix, including landfilled soils, contaminated...

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A large-scale study on solidification of gold tailings based on microbially induced carbonate precipitation (MICP)

One of the major challenges in the application of microbially induced carbonate precipitation (MICP) is achieving "bacteria freedom," as it necessitates a substantial volume of bacterial solutions....

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Exploring the Uniformity of MICP Solidified Fine Particle Silt with Different Sample Preparation Methods

Microbial induced calcium carbonate precipitation (MICP) technology is widely used in geotechnical reinforcement engineering due to its low cost, simple process, strong applicability and lack of secondary...

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Activating Lunar in Situ Resource Utilization for Space Farming by Diatoms

As the inaugural station of planetary exploration, the Moon requires a crewed base in the future to advance the subsequent space program [1]. China plans to land on the Moon within three years and establish...

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Increased erosion in biochar-amended soil: importance of integrating erosion control blankets and vegetation

Although biochar is widely recognized for enhancing various soil properties, its impact on soil erosion resistance remains unclear and sometimes shows contradictory results. The main objective of this...

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Influence of grass plantation on the rainfall-induced instability of gentle loose fill slope

The understanding of rainfall-induced landslides on gentle, loose-fill slopes is limited in comparison to steep slopes. Hence, two physical model tests were conducted on silty sand slopes under continuous...

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Effects of grassland vegetation roots on soil infiltration rate in Xiazangtan super large scale landslide distribution area in the upper reaches of the Yellow River, China

In order to study the infiltration characteristics of grassland soil in the super large scale landslides distribution area in the upper reaches of the Yellow River, this study selected the Xiazangtan...

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Porosity and bedding controls on bio-induced carbonate precipitation and mechanical properties of shale and dolomitic rocks: EICP vs MICP

Biocementation is an emerging field within geotechnical engineering that focuses on harnessing microbiological activity to enhance the mechanical properties and behavior of rocks. It often relies on...

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Bacterial attachment by crystal in MICP

Microbially induced calcium carbonate precipitation (MICP) is recognized as a promising technique for soil improvement. The morphological evolution of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) crystals during the MICP...

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Feasibility study of enhancing enzyme-induced carbonate precipitation with eggshell waste for sand solidification

Utilizing Enzyme-Induced Calcium Carbonate Precipitation (EICP) reinforcement technology has emerged as an innovative approach for soil improvement. In this study, kitchen waste eggshell powder was...

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Fracture sealing based on microbially induced carbonate precipitation and its engineering applications: A review

In this review, the development and application of microbially induced carbonate precipitation (MICP) technology for the sealing of underground engineering fractures are discussed in detail. The importance...

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Effects of microbially induced calcite precipitation on static liquefaction behavior of a gold tailings sand

Loose tailings are susceptible to static liquefaction during which they lose a substantial amount of their strength. This study examines a sustainable technique known as Microbially-Induced Calcite...

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Bio-molding of lunar regolith with bio-carbonized magnesium oxide

As lunar exploration develops, lunar construction is increasingly prominent and the in-situ lunar regolith molding becomes a technical challenge. This study proposes a lunar regolith molding technology...

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Eco-geotechnics under climate change: A state-of-the-art review

Global climate change has exacerbated extreme weather events, such as intense rainfall and heat waves, resulting in the deterioration of geotechnical earthen structures. To address the urgent need for...

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Advanced bioinspired cellular confinement systems for improving the performance of reinforced soil beds

With the major developments that occurred during the past 40 years in the geotechnical engineering field, the usage of reinforcements in soils has been very common to improve the ultimate bearing capacity...

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Microbially Induced Carbonate Precipitation for Soil Improvement: Insights from a Meter-Scale Radial Grouting Trial

Despite the growing interest in microbially induced carbonate precipitation (MICP) for geotechnical applications, reports on meter-scale MICP trials for soil improvement remain limited, and controlling...

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