Clinical eHealth welcomes new editorial board member: Dr Manan Shah
Published 28 June, 2024
We would like to welcome our new Editorial Board Member: Dr Manan Shah.

Dr. Manan Shah holds a B.E. in Chemical Engineering from LD College of Engineering, Gujarat, India, and an M. Tech. in Petroleum Engineering from the Department of Petroleum Engineering at Pandit Deendayal Energy University (PDEU), Gujarat, India. He completed his Ph.D. in Geothermal Energy at PDEU. He is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering at the School of Energy Technology (SOET), PDEU. Dr. Shah has research expertise in the field of Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) applications in the domain of energy, medical, chemical, and environment. Dr. Shah possesses both experimental and computation expertise and have carried out multiple projects in the mentioned fields. In the ML domain, he has worked with various time series and non-time series datasets to predict air quality, water quality, diabetes detection, and cancer detection projects. Dr. Shah has developed various ML and DL algorithms which can be applicable to various applications. Dr. Shah has published numerous articles in prestigious international journals across various sectors. He serves as an Associate Editor for the International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management, published by Springer. Recognized as a young and dynamic academician and researcher in multiple engineering fields, Dr. Shah has received three times the top 10 most downloaded paper awards from KeAi and Elsevier.