Clinical eHealth welcomes one new editorial board member
Published 22 February, 2024
We would like to welcome our new Editorial Board Member: Bin Sheng.

Bin Sheng
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, School of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China
Bin SHENG received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science and Engineering from The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2011, and currently is a full Professor at Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. His research interests include virtual reality,machine learning and medical data analysis. His papers appear in Nature Medicine, Nature Communications, Cell Reports Medicine, Patterns, IEEE TPAMI, TMI, TVCG,TIP and IJCV. He serves as the Managing Editor of The Visual Computer, and serves on the Editorial Board of IEEE TSCVT,The Visual Computer, IET Image Processing and J. of Virtual Reality and Intelligent Hardware. In addition, he served as Program Co-Chair of Computer Graphics International (2020-2022), and Conference Co-Chair of Computer Graphics International (2023-2024) and CASA 2024. He also served as the AI Challenge Co-Chair of DeepDRiD (ISBI2020), DRAC(MICCAI2022) and MMAC(MICCAI2023). He received the Outstanding Contribution Award by Computer Graphics Society in 2023.