Repair and Regeneration of Tissue and Organ Injury
Published 08 November, 2024
Life may cause minor repairable damage, and many tissues and organs exhibit the healing and regeneration abilities required under normal physiological and pathological conditions. However, our innate regenerative ability is limited, and many serious injuries cannot be repaired or regenerated. They can leave scars on the body, causing loss of function and even endangering survival. The process of tissue and organ regeneration and repair is complex, with many aspects still not fully understood. Research in this area explores the mechanisms of repair and regeneration at the molecular, cellular, tissue and organ levels, with a focus on therapeutic applications for repairing different tissues and organs.
This special issue calls for Critical comments, Reviews, Perspectives, and Research Articles to be published, providing strategies for repairing and regenerating tissue and organ injuries and advancing our understanding of the underlying mechanisms. This thematic series aims to capture the latest breakthroughs and future directions in the field. Topics of particular interest include, but are not limited to:
- Biomaterial for tissue and organ injuries and regeneration;
- Mechanism of Repair and regeneration of tissue and organ injuries;
- Strategies and methods for promoting regeneration and repairing of tissue and organ injury;
- Stem cells in injury repair and regeneration of tissue and organ;
- Tissue engineering in the repair and regeneration of tissue and organ injury;
- Aging and regeneration of tissue and organ injuries.
Deadline for manuscript submissions
May 28th, 2025
Submission Instructions
Please read the Guide for Authors before submitting. All articles should be submitted online. Please select Repair and Regeneration of Tissue and Organ Injury as the article type on submission. All submissions will be subject to peer review.
Guest Editors
If you would like to discuss any aspect of this special issue, please do not hesitate to contact one of the guest editors:

Yuming Yang
Ph.D, Professor, President of Nantong University, and Director of the Medical Department of Nantong University
The head of the innovation team in the key field of the Ministry of Science and Technology, and the chief scientist of the National Key Research and Development Program. The executive director of the Chinese Society for Biomaterials. The chairman of the Neural Repair Materials Branch. Nantong University, China.

Seeram Ramakrishna
Ph.D, Professor
National University of Singapore (NUS); Foreign Member, Chinese Academy of Engineering, China; Fellow, Royal Academy of Engineering (FREng), UK; Fellow, Singapore Academy of Engineering; Fellow, Indian National Academy of Engineering; Fellow, ASEAN Academy of Engineering and Technology; The Chinese Government Friendship Awardee.

Zhiyong Qian
Ph.D, Professor, Department of Biotherapy, Cancer Center and State Key Laboratory of Biotherapy, West China Hospital, Sichuan University
The National Distinguished Young Scholar, China. The co-Editors-in-Chief of “MedComm – Biomaterials and Applications”, the Co-Editors-in-Chief of “Materials Express”, and the Executive-Editor-in-Chief of “Chin Chem Lett”, the associate editor of “Signal Transduction, Targeted Therapy” and “J Biological Eng”, and is the editorial board member of “Acta Pharm Sinica B”, “Bioactive Mater”, and etc.

Fei Ding
Professor, Key Laboratory of Neuroregeneration of Jiangsu and Ministry of Education, Nantong University
Chairman of the Regenerative Medicine Branch of the Chinese Anatomical Society, Honorary President of the Jiangsu Neurological Science Society. Chief scientist of the National Key Research and Development Program.
Contact Information
Editorial Office
Can Liu 010-62326893
Yue Yan 010-62329094