Special issue on The Future of Materiobiology

Published 14 May, 2024

Aim & Scope

Materiobiology, the interdisciplinary field frontiers of materials sciences, biology, chemistry, medicines, and biomedical engineering, is rapidly advancing as a discipline that provides innovative diagnostic technologies and therapeutic interventions for medical challenges in the upcoming aging of societies. It has been witnessed in the past few years, a notable convergence has occurred among materials scientists, biologists, clinicians, and engineers. Their distinct perspectives and research methodologies are to bear in crafting interdisciplinary solutions for aging-related diseases, with the collective aim of contributing to the clinical unmet needs.    

Utilizing advancements in biomaterials and nanotechnology, materiobiology seeks to comprehensively investigate the interactions between biomaterials with diverse biological environments or systems to guide the design and implantation of tailored biomaterials to restore and strengthen the structures and functions of the targeted tissues. As a burgeoning research discipline that generates biomedical breakthroughs, more efforts are urgently needed to fully fulfill our current understanding and develop the functional integrated next generation of biomaterials for tissue repair and regeneration related to aging.

This special issue calls for Reviews, Perspectives and Research Articles that contribute to advanced interdisciplinary studies of disease diagnosis and treatment in the context of materiobiology, nanobiology and biomaterials. We are particularly interested in, but not limited to, the following topics:

  1. Functional-oriented multi-dimensional biomimetic material design specific for aging-related diseases.
  2. Artificial intelligence assisted in biomaterials design and development.
  3. Intelligent drug delivery systems and medical nanorobots.
  4. Therapeutic biomaterials for immune microenvironmental regulation.
  5. Diagnostic and theranostic probes for lesion boundary identification.

Important Dates

Deadline for manuscript submissions: Aug 1st, 2024

Submission Instructions

Please read the Guide for Authors before submitting.

All articles should be submitted online.

Please select The Future of Materiobiology as the article section/category on submission. All submissions will be subject to peer review.

Guest Editors

Changsheng Liu

Professor, East China University of Science and Technology/Shanghai University

E-mail: liucs@ecust.edu.cn

Yuliang Zhao

Professor, National Center for Nanoscience and Technology

E-mail: zhaoyl@nanoctr.cn

Guanghui Ma

Professor, Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences

E-mail: ghma@ipe.ac.cn

Guangjun Nie

Professor, National Center for Nanoscience and Technology

E-mail: niegj@nanoctr.cn

Ruifang Zhao

Associate Professor, National Center for Nanoscience and Technology

E-mail: zhaorf@nanoctr.cn

Yuanyuan Su

Associate Professor, National Natural Science Foundation of China

E-mail: suyy@nsfc.gov.cn

Shuo Li

Professor, National Natural Science Foundation of China

E-mail: lishuo@nsfc.gov.cn

Ruisheng Gu

Professor, National Natural Science Foundation of China

E-mail: rsgu@nsfc.gov.cn

About Fundamental Research

Fundamental Research is an open access, peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary journal, which is supervised by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC). Published bimonthly, it features high-caliber research covering all areas of the natural sciences and high-tech fields. Fundamental Research has been indexed by ESCI, Scopus, CA, DOAJ, and its impact factor is 6.2 now.

Contact Information

Editorial Office fmr@nsfc.gov.cn

Yue Yan 010-62329094 yanyue@nsfc.gov.cn

Can Liu 010-62326893 liucan@nsfc.gov.cn

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