Warmest congratulations: Horticultural Plant Journal received 2022 SCI Impact Factor 5.7
Published 30 June, 2023

We are pleased to announce that in the recently released 2022 Annual Journal Citation Report by Clarivate Analytics on June 28, 2023, Horticultural Plant Journal (HPJ) was awarded an impact factor of 5.7, a substantial increase of 34% compared to the previous year's impact factor of 4.24. HPJ now ranks third among 36 SCI journals in the field of "Horticulture”. HPJ also proudly maintains its Q1 ranking in both the Horticulture and Plant Science areas.

HPJ, as an open access international journal, is dedicated to publishing high-quality articles in English, covering a wide range of horticulture sciences. Since its inception, HPJ has published 45 issues, comprising over 338 papers. In addition to its regular publications, HPJ organizes annual special issues on trending topic, such as “Advance of Horticultural Plant Genomes”, “Advance of Horticultural Plant Quality Research”, Abiotic Stresses in Horticultural Plants”, and “Advances in Cucurbitaceae research”.
HPJ is now indexed in SCIE, Scopus, Biological Abstracts (BA) & BIOSIS Previews (BP), Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), CABI Abstracts, Food Science and Technology Abstracts, CSCD, CNKI Global, CSTPCD, etc.
HPJ offers numerous benefits to authors, including open access availability through ScienceDirect, ensuring maximum exposure to the public. It also provides a rigorous peer-review process, streamlined online submission, and expedited publication for swift dissemination of research findings.
The Editorial Office expresses sincere gratitude to the members of the editorial board, reviewers, and authors who have made invaluable contributions to HPJ. The continued support and interest from readers and the community have been greatly appreciated and valued.
We extend a warm invitation to all researchers to submit their work to HPJ.
Please submit your work via https://www.editorialmanager.com/hortpj/
Discover more articles on https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/horticultural-plant-journal