Risk Sciences

Open access

ISSN: 2950-6298

Risk Sciences

Open access

Executive Editor-in-Chief

Editorial Board

Risk Sciences is a general-interest journal that publishes academic research and industry practices on risks and disruptive technologies across all fields including agriculture, economics, e...

Risk Sciences is a general-interest journal that publishes academic research and industry practices on risks and disruptive technologies across all fields including agriculture, economics, engineering, environmental science, finance, health, law, management, natural sciences, and public administration.

Risk Sciences encompass all scientific areas that study the identification, quantification, analysis, communication and governance of risks and uncertainties across all walks of life and society. It has become a fast-evolving interdisciplinary domain with the increasing sophistication of human civilization at this day and age. An important aim of this journal is to become a leading platform for coalescing research interests across multiple disciplines and building the synergy for the advancement of Risk Sciences.

The journal welcomes all scientific work pertaining to risks and uncertainties in the form of original research papers, review articles, industrial case studies and perspectives. Areas covered within the scope of this journal include but are not limited to:

  • Actuarial Science

  • Economics of Uncertainty and Information

  • Emergency Management

  • Environment, Health and Safety

  • Financial Instruments, Markets and New Technologies

  • Insurance and Social Protection

  • Reliability and Quality

  • Risk Management Laws and Policies

  • Societal Risks and Organizational Crisis Management

The journal has particular interests in risk-related topics of significant societal impact including the following:

Catastrophe and Climate Change

  • Extreme weather and catastrophe modeling

  • Human environment damages

  • Climate action failure

  • Disaster mitigation

  • Sustainable investments

Digitalization and Cybersecurity Risks

  • Digital transition

  • Sharing economy

  • Cybersecurity

  • Crypto finance

  • Big data and privacy

Disruptive Technologies

  • Safety & responsible use of AI/ML

  • Quantum computing

  • Robotization

  • Biotechnology

  • Ethics and tech governance failure

Economic and Management Sciences

  • Systemic risks

  • Asset bubbles

  • Commodity shocks

  • Financial derivatives and insurance

  • Supply chain risk management

Global and Societal Challenges

  • Medical and mental health issues

  • Aging society and changing demographics

  • Pandemics and public health emergencies

  • Geo-economic confrontation

  • Proliferation of illicit economic activities

  • Social network

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