Risk Sciences Colloquium — The Genesis
Published 07 May, 2024

To commemorate the launch of the new journal, Risk Sciences, the School of Economics and Management (SEM) at Tsinghua University and KeAi are proud to present the inaugural Risk Sciences Colloquium. World-renowned scholars are invited to present their cutting-edge scientific research, theory and practices in many interdisciplinary fields of risk sciences, and to also provide guidance and suggestions for the direction and future development of the new journal.
The first colloquium aims to cultivate conversations among scholars from a variety of disciplines to discuss their research problems and methodologies for risk and uncertainties arising from different backgrounds, including economic, societal, environmental, financial, healthcare, investment risks, disruptive technologies and risk management methodologies.
June 17, 2024
A509, Jianhua Building, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University
Registration is free of charge. Please scan the QR code below for registration

Confirmed Speakers:

Michail Anthropelos (Pension and Investment Risks)
Associate Professor of Mathematical Finance, University of Piraeus, Greece
Chair, Investment Committees of Greek Occupational Pension Funds

Chong-En Bai (Economic Risk)
Dean of the School of Economics and Management
Distinguished Professor of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, Tsinghua University
Vice-Chairman of the 13th All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce
Member, Monetary Policy Committee of the People’s Bank of China

Jun Bi (Environmental Risk)
Executive Dean, Institute of Environment and Health, Nanjing University
Distinguished Professor of Changjiang Scholar of the Ministry of Education
Director, the State Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Resource Research
Executive Director, the Chinese Society of Environmental Sciences

Ian Duncan (Healthcare Risks)
Professor of Actuarial Statistics, University of California Santa Barbara
Fellow of the Society of Actuaries
Fellow of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries
Member, Board of Directors, the Society of Actuaries

Auvo Kaikkonnen (Climate and Green Finance)
Director, Regional Representation to China and Mongolia, European Investment Bank
Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Inion Ltd.
Former Medical Officer, World Health Organization

Steve Kou (Financial Risk)
Allen and Kelli Questrom Professor, Boston University
Co-Area-Editor for Operations Research
Co-Editor for Digital Finance
Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics

Lan Xue (Societal Risk)
Dean of Schwarzman College
Distinguished Professor of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, Tsinghua University
Cheung Kong Chair Distinguished Professor of the Ministry of Education
Counsellor of the State Council of China

Hailiang Yang (Actuarial and Quantitative Risk Management)
Professor, Xian Jiaotong-Liverpool University and the University of Hong Kong
Editor of Insurance: Mathematics and Economics
Associate of the Society of Actuaries, Honorary Fellow of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries
Member of the International Statistical Institute (ISI)

Haibo Zhang (Emergency Management)
Deputy Dean, School of Government Management, Nanjing University
Deputy Director of the Data Intelligence and Cross Innovation Laboratory, Nanjing University
Executive Director, Social Risk and Public Crisis Management Research Center, Nanjing University Editor-in-Chief of Risk Disaster Crisis Research

Yinzi Zhu (Financial Technology)
Chair, Department of Finance, Tsinghua University
Director, Quantitative Trading Lab
Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Economics