
New Trends and Common Misunderstandings of Open Access

Thursday, 18 May 2021 (15:00-16:10 Beijing)

This webinar will present the latest trends in open access publishing. Speakers will cover the common misunderstandings of open access, the Database of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) definition of open access and benefits of a journal being listed in DOAJ. The webinar will conclude by illustrating common DOAJ application mistakes from Chinese journals related to open access statements, copyright and licensing.

Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs): Science and Policy 

22 April 2021

Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are global contaminants. Scientific advances on formation mechanisms, environmental behaviour, control techniques and national policy aim to reduce the presence of POPs. An increasing number of new chemicals are found to be persistent in environment and harmful to human health. New POPs are identified and added to international legislation. This webinar will discuss science, techniques and policy in relation to emerging POPs and related fields.

The Impact of Covid-19 Vaccination Scale and Pathogenic Mutations on Disease Transmission

7 April 2021

Join in our experts at the free webinar as we discuss the forthcoming special issue from Infectious Disease Modelling on the impact of Covid-19 vaccination scale and pathogenic mutations on disease transmission.

Cognitive Robotics

26 January 2021

Join us for a free webinar to celebrate the launch of the open access journal – Cognitive Robotics. Cognitive robotics merges two research fields, physical systems and control architectures. It paves the way for machines to have reasoning abilities which are analogous to human. The journal Cognitive Robotics will publish state-of-the-art research in this exciting field.

How to Tell the Story of Your Science Online

10 November 2020

Do you have a story to tell about your research, but you’re not sure where or how to tell it? In this one-hour workshop, you’ll learn about science communication: where to engage people and how best to share your story. We will cover:

  • Science communication online
  • Audio and video content
  • Social media
  • Tips for communicating in English

Improving Scientific English Writing Skills

20 October 2020

Many scientists are non-native English speakers and often struggle with writing scientific manuscripts in English. Journals will frequently reject a manuscript if the language is not clear enough. This webinar will provide advice on how to improve writing style, deal with tricky grammar and use online resources. It will discuss plagiarism and present many examples of how to improve the quality and readability of your manuscript.

Advances in Climate Change Research Virtual Symposium

27 July 2020

The Editor-in-Chief of the journal Advances in Climate Change Research and other renowned scientists explored the latest research advances and policy interpretation on climate change. This was followed by a panel discussion to share experiences and advice on publishing in the journal.

The Role and Function of an Editor – Mentor and Gatekeeper

10 June 2020

Good editors serve as mentors, with the assistance of the reviewers, they provide authors with guidance on what needs to be done to make a paper publishable. Editors are also gatekeepers that ensure published science is valid. This is accomplished using their own knowledge and through the selection of reviewers. Learn more about the editors’ role in this free webinar.

How Do I Get Published in an Academic Journal?

24 June 2020

What are editors and reviewers looking for in a manuscript? In this webinar, we will take authors through the stages of publication from selection of a journal, to writing and peer review of a technical manuscript. We’ll discuss potential issues such as plagiarism and cover problems that have emerged as publishing goes through an international revolution.

Changing Research Evaluation Policies in China – Insights and Impact

19 May 2020

In February 2020, China’s Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) and Ministry of Education (MoE) published policy documents to initiate a steer away from assessing research by the number of articles published and SCI listed journals to a focus on publishing a limited number of high quality papers. In this free webinar our speakers will provide insights into the background of these policy announcements and their potential impact on publishers, research institutions and researchers.

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