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ISSN: 2666-6510

A survey on complex factual question answering

Answering complex factual questions has drawn a lot of attention. Researchers leverage various data sources to support complex QA, such as unstructured texts, structured knowledge graphs and relational...

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Language as a latent sequence: Deep latent variable models for semi-supervised paraphrase generation

This paper explores deep latent variable models for semi-supervised paraphrase generation, where the missing target pair for unlabelled data is modelled as a latent paraphrase sequence. We present a...

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Learning fair representations via an adversarial framework

Fairness has become a central issue for our research community as classification algorithms are adopted in societally critical domains such as recidivism prediction and loan approval. In this work,...

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Is Chinese Spelling Check ready? Understanding the correction behavior in real-world scenarios

The task of Chinese Spelling Check (CSC) is crucial for identifying and rectifying spelling errors in Chinese texts. While prior work in this domain has predominantly relied on benchmarks such as SIGHAN...

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Semantic graph based topic modelling framework for multilingual fake news detection

Fake news detection is one of the most alluring problems that has grabbed the interest of Machine Learning (ML) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) experts in recent years. The majority of existing...

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Word sense induction with agglomerative clustering and mutual information maximization

Word sense induction (WSI) is a challenging problem in natural language processing that involves the unsupervised automatic detection of a word’s senses (i.e., meanings). Recent work achieves significant...

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Sarcasm detection using news headlines dataset

Sarcasm has been an elusive concept for humans. Due to interesting linguistic properties, sarcasm detection has gained traction of the Natural Language Processing (NLP) research community in the past...

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Graph-based methods for cervical cancer segmentation: Advancements, limitations, and future directions

Cervical cancer remains a significant health concern worldwide, where precise segmentation of cervical lesions is integral for effective diagnosis and treatment planning. This systematic review critically...

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MONEY: Ensemble learning for stock price movement prediction via a convolutional network with adversarial hypergraph model

Stock price prediction is challenging in financial investment, with the AI boom leading to increased interest from researchers. Despite these recent advances, many studies are limited to capturing the...

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Interactive active learning for fairness with partial group label

The rapid development of AI technologies has found numerous applications across various domains in human society. Ensuring fairness and preventing discrimination are critical considerations in the development...

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Restricted orthogonal gradient projection for continual learning

Continual learning aims to avoid catastrophic forgetting and effectively leverage learned experiences to master new knowledge. Existing gradient projection approaches impose hard constraints on the...

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UPRec: User-aware Pre-training for sequential Recommendation

Recent years witness the success of pre-trained models to alleviate the data sparsity problem in recommender systems. However, existing pre-trained models for recommendation mainly focus on leveraging...

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GPT understands, too

Prompting a pretrained language model with natural language patterns has been proved effective for natural language understanding (NLU). However, our preliminary study reveals that manual discrete prompts...

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CAILIE 1.0: A dataset for Challenge of AI in Law - Information Extraction V1.0

Legal information extraction requires identifying and classifying legal elements from specific legal documents. Considering that information extraction is mainly regarded as the first step in natural...

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HSSDA: Hierarchical relation aided Semi-Supervised Domain Adaptation

The mainstream domain adaptation (DA) methods transfer the supervised source domain knowledge to the unsupervised or semi-supervised target domain, so as to assist the classification task in the target...

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Optimized separable convolution: Yet another efficient convolution operator

The convolution operation is the most critical component in recent surge of deep learning research. Conventional 2D convolution needs O(C2K2) parameters to represent, where C is the channel size and...

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Survey: Transformer based video-language pre-training

Inspired by the success of transformer-based pre-training methods on natural language tasks and further computer vision tasks, researchers have started to apply transformer to video processing. This...

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Human motion modeling with deep learning: A survey

The aim of human motion modeling is to understand human behaviors and create reasonable human motion like real people given different priors. With the development of deep learning, researchers tend...

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The road from MLE to EM to VAE: A brief tutorial

Variational Auto-Encoders (VAEs) have emerged as one of the most popular genres of generative models, which are learned to characterize the data distribution. The classic Expectation Maximization (EM)...

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Domain generalization by class-aware negative sampling-based contrastive learning

When faced with the issue of different feature distribution between training and test data, the test data may differ in style and background from the training data due to the collection sources or privacy...

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BCA: Bilinear Convolutional Neural Networks and Attention Networks for legal question answering

The National Judicial Examination of China is an essential examination for selecting legal practitioners. In recent years, people have tried to use machine learning algorithms to answer examination...

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