Negative effects of artificial nest boxes on birds: A review
Artificial nest boxes are placed to attract birds to nest and breed in a specific location, and they are widely used in avian ecology research and in the attraction of insectivorous birds. There is...
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Achievements, challenges, and recommendations for waterbird conservation in China's coastal wetlands
China's coastal wetlands provide breeding, migration stopover, and wintering habitats for about 230 waterbird species, which is more than a quarter of all waterbirds in the world. Large-scale and high...
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Litter buffet: On the use of trash bins by birds in six boreal urban settlements
Unintentional food resources in urban areas (street litter, food leftovers, overflowing trash bins) are dietary components of some urban-exploiter bird species. In this study, we report on 13 bird species...
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Phylogenetic definitions for 25 higher-level clade names of birds
Knowledge of the higher-level phylogenetic relationships of birds has grown substantially during the past two decades due to the application of genomic data. However, the nomenclature of higher-level...
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Migration pattern of a population of Barn Swallows (Hirundo rustica) breeding in East Asian tropical region
Birds exhibit a high degree of migratory diversity, which is influenced by various ecological factors and life history strategies. Conducting studies on tropical bird migration, of which research is...
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Vultures as a model for testing molecular adaptations of dietary specialization in birds
Vultures are the only obligate scavengers among extant vertebrates. They provide valuable ecological services in ecosystems through removing carcasses, thus preventing the growth of other scavenger...
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The influence of wing morphology upon intraspecific divergence in birds: A global study of subspecies richness
Since the time of Darwin, subspecies have been recognized as an initial stage in the evolution of species. However, the impact of dispersal on subspecies richness in birds globally has received little...
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Visual cognition of birds and its underlying neural mechanism: A review
Birds have acute vision and many remarkable visual cognition abilities, due to their unique living environment. The underlying neural mechanisms have also attracted interests of researchers in neuroscience....
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Changes in the adult sex ratio of six duck species breeding populations over two decades
Despite all efforts, long-term changes in the adult sex ratios of breeding duck populations are still unclear; this uncertainty is especially true for male-bias populations, which are often under the...
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Combining video and GPS-tracking to study the spatial foraging distribution of a single-prey loading seabird
Seabirds are valuable indicators of marine ecosystem processes and studying seabird diets can shed light on natural or human-induced variability in food-web composition. Specifically single-prey loading...
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Individual consistency in spatiotemporal characteristics of migratory Whimbrels in the East Asian–Australasian Flyway
Many migratory birds exhibit interannual consistency in migration schedules, routes and stopover sites. Detecting the interannual consistency in spatiotemporal characteristics helps understand the maintenance...
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More than a simple egg: Underlying mechanisms of cold tolerance in avian embryos
Avian embryos, which develop within eggs, exhibit remarkable tolerance to extremely low temperatures. Despite being a common trait among all birds, the mechanisms underlying this cold tolerance in avian...
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Impact of agricultural landscape structure on the patterns of bird species diversity at a regional scale
The loss of bird species diversity is a crucial problem in the European agricultural landscape. Change in the area coverage of major land cover types has been mentioned as one of the main factors responsible...
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Detecting the distribution of and public attitudes to charismatic alien species based on media coverage
Charismatic species are often reported by the media, providing information for detecting population status and public perception. To identify the number and distribution of free-living Black Swan (Cygnus...
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Weak influence of natural vegetation in urban green spaces compared to agricultural ecosystems on House Martin populations: Insights from nationwide citizen science data in the Czech Republic
The House Martin (Delichon urbicum) is a common farmland bird species in the European landscape, yet its population numbers are currently in decline. However, it is not yet sufficiently explained why...
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Deterministic processes drive turnover-dominated beta diversity of breeding birds along the central Himalayan elevation gradient
Beta diversity, the variation of community composition among sites, bridges alpha and gamma diversity and can reveal the mechanisms of community assembly through applying distance-decay models and/or...
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Detour for the inexperienced? Migration count data suggest mostly juvenile Greater Spotted Eagles appear in coastal peninsulas in China
Soaring bird migration often relies on suitable terrain and airflow; therefore, route selection is vital for successful migration. While age and experience have been identified as key factor influencing...
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Use of evergreen and deciduous plants by nocturnal-roosting birds: A case study in Beijing
With continually increasing urbanization, the land cover in urban areas continues to change, resulting in the loss of biodiversity. Birds are highly sensitive to changes in habitat. Most forest birds...
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Tri-axial accelerometry allows to determine parental food provisioning behaviour in a marine bird
The study of parental food provisioning is essential for understanding the breeding ecology of birds. We conducted the first study using accelerometry to detect food provisioning in birds, using Support...
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Population genomic data reveal low genetic diversity, divergence and local adaptation among threatened Reeves's Pheasant (Syrmaticus reevesii)
Population genomic data could provide valuable information for conservation efforts; however, limited studies have been conducted to investigate the genetic status of threatened pheasants. Reeves's...
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Systematics of the avian family Alaudidae using multilocus and genomic data
The family Alaudidae, larks, comprises 93–100 species (depending on taxonomy) that are widely distributed across Africa and Eurasia, with single species extending their ranges to North and northernmost...
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Kentish Plover (Charadrius alexandrinus) and Little Tern (Sternula albifrons) prefer shells for nesting: A field experiment
Shorebird populations are declining worldwide, mainly due to human disturbances and loss of coastal wetlands. However, supratidal habitats as saltpans could play a role in buffering human impact. Saltpans...
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Nest decoration: Black feathers prevent Crested Mynas from nest usurpation
Nests are important structures for birds to raise their offspring and for signaling. Many birds incorporate feathers into the nest, since feathers were traditionally thought to serve the function of...
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Endochondral ossification of hindlimbs in embryonic development of Japanese Quail (Coturnix japonica)
The endochondral ossification of hindlimb is essential to a bird's ability to stand, walk and fly. Most hindlimb is ossified in the embryos before hatching in precocial birds. However, the molecular...
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Integrating host biological and ecological variables to predict probability of haemosporidian infection in raptors
Variations in host traits that influence their exposure and susceptibility may impact probability of vector-transmitted diseases. Therefore, identifying the predictors of infection probability is necessary...
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