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Open access

ISSN: 2053-7166
CN: 10-1240/Q
p-ISSN: 20556187

Habitat preferences and nest site selection by sympatric populations of Middle Spotted Woodpecker (Dendrocoptes medius) and Syrian Woodpecker (Dendrocopos syriacus) in natural mountain forests of Southwest Iran

We examined habitat preferences and nesting requirements of sympatric populations of Middle Spotted Woodpecker (Dendrocoptes medius) and Syrian Woodpecker (Dendrocopos syriacus). We carried out our...

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Deterministic processes drive turnover-dominated beta diversity of breeding birds along the central Himalayan elevation gradient

Beta diversity, the variation of community composition among sites, bridges alpha and gamma diversity and can reveal the mechanisms of community assembly through applying distance-decay models and/or...

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Comparative analysis of the microbiome of sympatric wintering Bean Geese, Domestic Ducks, humans, and soil at Shengjin Lake of China reveals potential public risk to human health

The gut microbiota of migratory waterbirds is affected by various complex factors, including cross-species transmission, which increases the risk of pathogen spreading among sympatric animals and poses...

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Structural effects of reedbed grazing and its cessation on reed-nesting songbird densities

Reedbeds are crucial breeding habitats for vulnerable songbird species. Irrespective of their protection status, these habitats may be threatened by organic matter accumulation, progressively leading...

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Shallow sub-lakes are essential for sustaining the successful wintering of waterbirds in Poyang Lake, China

For migratory waterbirds, the quality of wintering habitat is related to spring migration and successful breeding in the next year. The availability of food resources in the habitat is critical and...

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Development and parentage analysis of SNP markers for Chestnut-vented Nuthatch (Sitta nagaensis) based on ddRAD-seq data

Extra-pair paternity (EPP) is commonly found in socially monogamous birds, especially in small passerine birds, and there are interspecific and intraspecific variations in the extent of EPP. The Chestnut-vented...

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The effect of Common Cuckoo parasitism on the annual productivity of a host population

Avian interspecific brood parasitism is an excellent system for studying coevolutionary processes in nature because brood parasites directly affect host reproductive success. Most research on avian...

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Detour for the inexperienced? Migration count data suggest mostly juvenile Greater Spotted Eagles appear in coastal peninsulas in China

Soaring bird migration often relies on suitable terrain and airflow; therefore, route selection is vital for successful migration. While age and experience have been identified as key factor influencing...

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Changes in the adult sex ratio of six duck species breeding populations over two decades

Despite all efforts, long-term changes in the adult sex ratios of breeding duck populations are still unclear; this uncertainty is especially true for male-bias populations, which are often under the...

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Correlation of personality with individual reproductive success in shrub-nesting birds depends on their life history style

Two questions in the research of animal personality—whether there is a correlation between a personality trait and individual reproductive success, and what is the genetic basis underlying a personality...

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Kentish Plover (Charadrius alexandrinus) and Little Tern (Sternula albifrons) prefer shells for nesting: A field experiment

Shorebird populations are declining worldwide, mainly due to human disturbances and loss of coastal wetlands. However, supratidal habitats as saltpans could play a role in buffering human impact. Saltpans...

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The Crested Ibises expanding to plain areas exhibit a higher tolerance of human proximity

Animals must strike a balance between anti-predation behavior and other essential behaviors, such as foraging. Within the same species, strategies may vary on individuals' risk-taking preferences, and...

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Highly divergent sympatric lineages of Leptotila verreauxi (Aves: Columbidae) suggest a secondary contact area in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Mexico

Due to a complex geological and biotic history, the Isthmus of Tehuantepec (IT), has been long recognized as a driver for the evolutionary divergence of numerous lowland and highland taxa. Widely distributed...

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Avian responses to an extreme weather event: The case of the ‘Filomena’ snowstorm in Madrid (central Spain)

Cold spells and severe weather may have detrimental effects in wild birds, but owing to the stochastic nature of these events, it is not always possible to measure their impacts. In January 2021, a...

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Annual variation of adult survival of a south-temperate House Wren population in Argentina

Identifying factors affecting the survival of individuals is essential for understanding the evolution of life-history traits and population dynamics. Despite numerous studies on this subject in north-temperate...

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Distributional and behavioral responses of the wintering Oriental Storks to drought in China's largest freshwater lake

Extreme droughts are increasing in frequency and severity globally as a result of climate change. Developing understanding of species' responses to drought is crucial for their conservation, especially...

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Proximity to corridors benefits bird communities in vegetated interrow vineyards in Mendoza, Argentina

Management under ecological schemes and increasing habitat heterogeneity, are essential for enhancing biodiversity in vineyards. Birds provide several contributions to agriculture, for example pest...

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Hard life for sons in the nest? Sex-dependent offspring mortality in Great Tits in urban and forest areas

Sex-biased mortality can occur in birds during development, for example due to sexual differences in energy requirement and/or environmental sensitivity, or the effects of sex hormones or sex differences...

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Weak influence of natural vegetation in urban green spaces compared to agricultural ecosystems on House Martin populations: Insights from nationwide citizen science data in the Czech Republic

The House Martin (Delichon urbicum) is a common farmland bird species in the European landscape, yet its population numbers are currently in decline. However, it is not yet sufficiently explained why...

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The influence of wing morphology upon intraspecific divergence in birds: A global study of subspecies richness

Since the time of Darwin, subspecies have been recognized as an initial stage in the evolution of species. However, the impact of dispersal on subspecies richness in birds globally has received little...

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Diverse foraging strategies of breeding Swinhoe's Storm-petrel in the productive marginal sea of the Northwest Pacific

Understanding the foraging behavior is essential for investigating seabird ecology and conservation, as well as monitoring the well-being of the marine environment. Breeding seabirds adopt diverse foraging...

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No evidence of predator odor avoidance in a North American bird community

Recent advances in our understanding of avian chemical communication have highlighted the importance of olfaction in many aspects of avian life. Prior studies investigating predator avoidance behaviors...

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Seasonal increase in nest defense, but not egg rejection, in a cuckoo host

The interactions between avian brood parasites and their hosts provide an informative and easy-to-handle system for studying coevolution. Avian brood parasitism reduces the reproductive success of hosts,...

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The clutch size, incubation behavior of Reeves's Pheasant (Syrmaticus reevesii) and their responses to ambient temperature and precipitation

Weather conditions play a pivotal role in embryo development and parental incubation costs, potentially impacting the clutch size and incubation behavior of birds. Understanding these effects is crucial...

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Sounding the alarm: Functionally referential signaling in Azure-winged Magpie

Functionally referential signals are a complex form of communication that conveys information about the external environment. Such signals have been found in a range of mammal and bird species and have...

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