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Open access

ISSN: 2197-5620
CN: 10-1166/S
p-ISSN: 2095-6355

The changes in soil organic carbon stock and quality across a subalpine forest successional series

Soil organic carbon (SOC) affects the function of terrestrial ecosystem and plays a vital role in global carbon cycle. Yet, large uncertainty still existed regarding the changes in SOC stock and quality...

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Influence of crown morphology and branch architecture on tree radial growth of drought-affected Fagus sylvatica L.

Trees are able to adapt to changing environmental conditions through modifications in their crown morphology and branch architecture. In light-limited environments, tree structures are mainly optimised...

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Grouping tree species to estimate basal area increment in temperate multispecies forests in Durango, Mexico

Multispecies forests have received increased scientific attention, driven by the hypothesis that biodiversity improves ecological resilience. However, a greater species diversity presents challenges...

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Allometry-based estimation of forest aboveground biomass combining LiDAR canopy height attributes and optical spectral indexes

Accurate estimates of forest aboveground biomass (AGB) are essential for global carbon cycle studies and have widely relied on approaches using spectral and structural information of forest canopies...

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Patterns and impacts of an unprecedented outbreak of bark beetles in Central Europe: A glimpse into the future?

Natural disturbances have significantly intensified across European forests, with bark beetle outbreaks being the most rapidly escalating disturbance type. Since 2018, the Czech Republic (Central Europe)...

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Assessing the effect of invasive organisms on forests under information uncertainty: The case of pine wood nematode in continental Europe

Forests worldwide are experiencing increasingly intense biotic disturbances; however, assessing impacts of these disturbances is challenging due to the diverse range of organisms involved and the complex...

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A tree detection method based on trunk point cloud section in dense plantation forest using drone LiDAR data

Single-tree detection is one of the main research topics in quantifying the structural properties of forests. Drone LiDAR systems and terrestrial laser scanning systems produce high-density point clouds...

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How forest age impacts on net primary productivity: Insights from future multi-scenarios

Forest net primary productivity (NPP) constitutes a key flux within the terrestrial ecosystem carbon cycle and serves as a significant indicator of the forests carbon sequestration capacity, which is...

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An improved area-based approach for estimating plot-level tree DBH from airborne LiDAR data

The diameter at breast height (DBH) of trees and stands is not only a widely used plant functional trait in ecology and biodiversity but also one of the most fundamental measurements in managing forests....

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Diversity-biomass relationships are shaped by tree mycorrhizal associations and stand structural diversity at different spatial scales

Diversity-biomass relationships (DBRs) in terrestrial ecosystems tend to vary across spatial scales, but, particularly in hyperdiverse forests, the mechanisms driving these trends remain uncertain....

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Ecosystem service multifunctionality of mixed conifer-broad-leaved forests under climate change and forest management based on matrix growth modelling

Climate change and forest management are recognized as pivotal factors influencing forest ecosystem services and thus multifunctionality. However, the magnitude and the relative importance of climate...

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Quantifying foliar trait variation and covariation in sun and shade leaves using leaf spectroscopy in eastern North America

Characterizing foliar trait variation in sun and shade leaves can provide insights into inter- and intra-species resource use strategies and plant response to environmental change. However, datasets...

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Developing allometric equations to estimate forest biomass for tree species categories based on phylogenetic relationships

The development of allometric biomass models is important process in biomass estimation because the reliability of forest biomass and carbon estimations largely depends on the accuracy and precision...

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Resilience and response: Unveiling the impacts of extreme droughts on forests through integrated dendrochronological and remote sensing analyses

Extreme droughts are anticipated to have detrimental impacts on forest ecosystems, especially in water-limited regions, due to the influence of climate change. However, considerable uncertainty remains...

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Aboveground carbon sequestration of Cunninghamia lanceolata forests: Magnitude and drivers

Understanding the spatial variation, temporal changes, and their underlying driving forces of carbon sequestration in various forests is of great importance for understanding the carbon cycle and carbon...

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Tree structure and diversity shape the biomass of primary temperate mountain forests

Primary forests are spatially diverse terrestrial ecosystems with unique characteristics, being naturally regenerative and heterogeneous, which supports the stability of their carbon storage through...

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Carbon stock estimation in halophytic wooded savannas of Uruguay: An ecosystem approach

Savannas constitute a mixture of trees and shrub patches with a more continuous herbaceous understory. The contribution of this biome to the soil organic carbon (SOC) and above-ground biomass (AGB)...

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Individual tree segmentation in occluded complex forest stands through ellipsoid directional searching and point compensation

Terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) accurately captures tree structural information and provides prerequisites for tree-scale estimations of forest biophysical attributes. Quantifying tree-scale attributes...

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Old-growth mixed dipterocarp forests show variable losses and gains in aboveground biomass and standing carbon over forty years

No studies have documented long-term trends in aboveground biomass (AGB) for mixed-dipterocarp forests (MDF), the dominant rain forest type in tropical wet equatorial Asia. In our study, we sought to...

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Decoupling REDD+ understanding of local stakeholders on the onset of materializing carbon credits from forests in Nepal

REDD+1 is an economic incentivizing mechanism aimed at reducing or offsetting of carbon emissions in forests, while realizing multiple benefits alongside climate action. Engaging local stakeholders...

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Plant functional trait diversity and structural diversity co-underpin ecosystem multifunctionality in subtropical forests

Tree species diversity is assumed to be an important component in managing forest ecosystems because of effects on multiple functions or ecosystem multifunctionality. However, the importance of tree...

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The interaction between temperature and precipitation on the potential distribution range of Betula ermanii in the alpine treeline ecotone on the Changbai Mountain

Alpine treeline ecotones are highly sensitive to climate warming. The low temperature-determined alpine treeline is expected to shift upwards in response to global warming. However, little is known...

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Linking nutrient resorption stoichiometry with plant growth under long-term nitrogen addition

Increased nitrogen (N) input can potentially lead to secondary phosphorus (P) limitation; however, it remains unclear whether differences in the plant's ability to cope with this P deficiency are related...

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Root overlap and allocation of above- and belowground growth of European beech in pure and mixed stands of Douglas fir and Norway spruce

Site conditions and species identity have a combined effect on fine root growth of trees in pure and mixed stands. However, mechanisms that may contribute to this effect are rarely studied, even though...

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A bibliometric analysis using machine learning to track paradigm shifts and analytical advances in forest ecology and forestry journal publications from 2010 to 2022

Forest habitats are critical for biodiversity, ecosystem services, human livelihoods, and well-being. Capacity to conduct theoretical and applied forest ecology research addressing direct (e.g., deforestation)...

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