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ISSN: 2197-5620
CN: 10-1166/S
p-ISSN: 2095-6355

Increased positive tree species mixture effects on the abundance and richness of Collembola with stand development in Canadian boreal forests

It is well established that species mixtures could enhance ecosystem functioning in diverse ecosystem types, with these benefits increasing over time. However, the impact of tree mixtures on Collembola...

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Species-specific influences of competition and tree size on drought sensitivity and resistance for three planted conifers in northern China

Droughts have caused tree growth decline and high tree mortality across temperate forests, however, how to manage planted forests to alleviate drought stress is still challenging. We used tree-ring...

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The influence of the Eurasian beaver's gnawing activity on the structure of riparian forests in three Italian rivers

The Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber Linnaeus, 1758) can be considered a hydrological ecosystem engineer as it shapes environmental characteristics through its building activities and feeding behaviour....

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Demystifying field application of Critical Height Sampling in estimating stand volume

Critical Height Sampling (CHS) estimates stand volume free from any model and tree form assumptions. Despite its introduction more than four decades ago, CHS has not been widely applied in the field...

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Drought resilience and legacy effects in two forest tree species on Loess Plateau of China: Growth and water-use efficiency under different drought conditions

As droughts become more frequent and severer, understanding tree resilience and its role in mediating drought legacy effects (LEs) is critical for predicting forest ecosystem responses to future droughts...

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Optimal integration of forest inventory data and aerial image-based canopy height models for forest stand management

Accurate, reliable, and regularly updated information is necessary for targeted management of forest stands. This information is usually obtained from sample-based field inventory data. Due to the time-consuming...

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Utilizing quantile regressions to predict vertical distribution of branch size in Larix olgensis Henry: Capturing the differentiated responses of varying branch sizes to stand and tree factors

Branch size is a crucial characteristic, closely linked to both tree growth and wood quality. A review of existing branch size models reveals various approaches, but the ability to estimate branch diameter...

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Long-term forest damage due to an extreme weather event: An ice storm mediated by elevation causes tree breakage in sub-tropical China

Extreme weather events pose an ever-greater threat to people, infrastructure, and nature. Forest ecosystems are highly sensitive to extreme cold events that can disrupt ecosystem functions, especially...

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Foliar resorption of beech and maple along an elevation gradient in a northern hardwood forest

Foliar resorption is a principal nutrient conservation mechanism in terrestrial vegetation that could be sensitive to ongoing changes in climate and atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition. We quantified...

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Insect seedling herbivory is influenced by multiple factors, but the plant apparency theory is more supported than other hypotheses – A case study in a subtropical forest

Insect herbivory is ubiquitous in various ecosystems, and directly influences the growth and survival of individual plants, especially during their vulnerable early life stages like the seedling phase....

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Droughts and windstorms due to climate change increase variability in species and trait composition of a subtropical monsoon evergreen broadleaf forest in China

Climate change is accelerating alterations in forest species and community composition worldwide, especially following extreme events like severe droughts and windstorms. Understanding these effects...

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Quercus acutissima exhibits more adaptable water uptake patterns in response to seasonal changes compared to Pinus massoniana

Seasonal precipitation variability significantly affects water use in forests; however, whether water uptake is adapted to changes in precipitation, particularly whether it could affect the coexistence...

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Effects of bamboo invasion on forest structures and diameter–height allometries

Forest structure is fundamental in determining ecosystem function, yet the impact of bamboo invasion on these structural characteristics remains unclear. We investigated 219 invasion transects at 41...

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Ghost species form an important component of the epiphytic lichens in temperate forests

Sequencing of environmental samples has great potential for biodiversity research, but its application is limited by the lack of reliable DNA barcode databases for species identifications. Such a database...

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Unveiling urbanization effects on trees outside forests along the urban-rural gradient in megacity Bengaluru

Rapid urbanization has caused significant changes along the urban-rural gradient, leading to a variety of landscapes that are mainly shaped by human activities. This dynamic interplay also influences...

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Meta-analysis of 21st century studies shows that deforestation induces profound changes in soil characteristics, particularly soil organic carbon accumulation

Deforestation is one of the most serious environmental problems facing humankind. It continues to escalate rapidly across many regions of the world, thereby deteriorating the forest soil quality. This...

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Independent and interactive effects of N and P additions on foliar P fractions in evergreen forests of southern China

Fertilization or atmospheric deposition of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) to terrestrial ecosystems can alter soil N (P) availability and the nature of nutrient limitation for plant growth. Changing...

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Identifying suitable areas for plenter forest management

Plenter forests, also known as uneven-aged or continuous cover forests enhance forest resilience and resistance against disturbances compared to even-aged forests. They are considered as an adaptation...

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Tree growth decline to warm-wet conditions in boreal forests is linked to stand density

Warm-wet climatic conditions are widely regarded as conducive to remarkable tree growth, alleviating climatic pressures. However, the notable decline in tree growth observed in the southern edge of...

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Late spring-early summer drought and soil properties jointly modulate two pine species' decline and climatic sensitivity in temperate Northern China

Increasing temperatures and severe droughts threaten forest vitality globally. Prediction of forest response to climate change requires knowledge of the spatiotemporal patterns of monthly or seasonal...

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Site-specific patterns of fine root biomass formation across European coniferous forests

Fine roots play a crucial role in the biogeochemical cycles of terrestrial ecosystems. Patterns of fine roots biomass formation for broad geographical areas are still unclear. We use published estimates...

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Site index determination using a time series of airborne laser scanning data

Site index (SI) is determined from the top height development and is a proxy for forest productivity, defined as the expected top height for a given species at a certain index age. In Norway, an index...

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Drivers and patterns of community completeness suggest that Tuscan Fagus sylvatica forests can naturally have a low plant diversity

European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) forests can have a high variability in plant species richness and abundance, from monospecific stands to highly species-rich communities. To understand what causes...

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Hybrid ecophysiological growth model for deciduous Populus tomentosa plantation in northern China

Short rotation plantation forestry (SRF) is being widely adopted to increase wood production, in order to meet global demand for wood products. However, to ensure maximum gains from SRF, optimised management...

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Evaluating tree branch angle measurements of European beech using terrestrial laser scanning

Branch angles are an important plant morphological trait affecting light interception within forest canopies. However, studies on branch angles have been limited due to the time-consuming nature of...

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