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Open access

ISSN: 2197-5620
CN: 10-1166/S
p-ISSN: 2095-6355

No generality in biodiversity-productivity relationships along elevation in temperate and subtropical forest landscapes

An improved understanding of biodiversity-productivity relationships (BPRs) along environmental gradients is crucial for effective ecosystem management and biodiversity conservation. The stress-gradient...

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The storage and utilization of carbohydrates in response to elevation mediated by tree organs in subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forests

Global climate change can affect tree growth and carbon sink function by influencing plant carbohydrate synthesis and utilization, while elevation can be used as an ideal setting under natural conditions...

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How topography and neighbor shape the fate of trees in subtropical forest restoration: Environmental filtering and resource competition drive natural regeneration

The structure of plant communities at local scales depends on both the spatial heterogeneity of abiotic environmental factors and the biotic interactions within the community. However, although environmental...

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Modelling analysis embodies drastic transition among global potential natural vegetations in face of changing climate

Potential natural vegetation (PNV) is a valuable reference for ecosystem renovation and has garnered increasing attention worldwide. However, there is limited knowledge on the spatio-temporal distributions,...

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Early response of understory vegetation to the mass dieback of Norway spruce in the European lowland temperate forest

Spruce-dominated forests are commonly exposed to disturbances associated with mass occurrences of bark beetles. The dieback of trees triggers many physical and chemical processes in the ecosystem resulting...

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Plant life form determines spatiotemporal variability and climate response of plant seed rain in subtropical forests

Spatiotemporal variation of seed rain reflects the response of plants in terms of their reproductive strategy to environmental gradients. In this study, we collected seeds from four sites in the Dalaoling...

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Stand dynamics of old-growth hemlock forests in central Bhutan are shaped by natural disturbances

Understanding how past disturbances have influenced the development of forests is critical for deciphering their current structure and composition and forecasting future changes. In this study, dendrochronological...

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Polypore funga and species diversity in tropical forest ecosystems of Africa, America and Asia, and a comparison with temperate and boreal regions of the Northern Hemisphere

Polypores play a crucial role in energy recycling and forest regeneration in forest ecosystems. The majority of them are wood degraders; some are forest pathogens and others are ectomycorrhizal symbionts....

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Tree allometry responses to competition and complementarity in mixed-species plantations of Betula alnoides

Tree allometry plays a crucial role in tree survival, stability, and timber quantity and quality of mixed-species plantations. However, the responses of tree allometry to resource utilisation within...

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The unimodal latitudinal pattern of K, Ca and Mg concentration and its potential drivers in forest foliage in eastern China

Potassium (K), calcium (Ca), and magnesium (Mg) are essential elements with important physiological functions in plants. Previous studies showed that leaf K, Ca, and Mg concentrations generally increase...

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Tree species identity and interaction determine vertical forest structure in young planted forests measured by terrestrial laser scanning

Vertical forest structure is closely linked to multiple ecosystem characteristics, such as biodiversity, habitat, and productivity. Mixing tree species in planted forests has the potential to create...

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The effects of data aggregation on long-term projections of forest stands development

Forest management planning often relies on Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS)-based Forest Management Inventories (FMIs) for sustainable and efficient decision-making. Employing the area-based (ABA) approach,...

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Enhancing wood efficiency through comprehensive wood flow analysis: Methodology and strategic insights

Wood, an essential natural resource in human civilization, remains widely used despite advances in technology and material substitution. The surge in greenhouse gas emissions and environmental concerns...

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Estimating wood quality attributes from dense airborne LiDAR point clouds

Mapping individual tree quality parameters from high-density LiDAR point clouds is an important step towards improved forest inventories. We present a novel machine learning-based workflow that uses...

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Subtropical forest macro-decomposers rapidly transfer litter carbon and nitrogen into soil mineral-associated organic matter

Forest soils in tropical and subtropical areas store a significant amount of carbon. Recent frameworks to assess soil organic matter (SOM) dynamics under evolving global conditions suggest that dividing...

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Drought events influence nutrient canopy exchanges and green leaf partitioning during senescence in a deciduous forest

The increase in the frequency and intensity of drought events expected in the coming decades in Western Europe may disturb forest biogeochemical cycles and create nutrient deficiencies in trees. One...

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Competitive effect, but not competitive response, varies along a climatic gradient depending on tree species identity

Understanding the role of species identity in interactions among individuals is crucial for assessing the productivity and stability of mixed forests over time. However, there is limited knowledge concerning...

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Why ecosystem characteristics predicted from remotely sensed data are unbiased and biased at the same time – and how this affects applications

Remotely sensed data are frequently used for predicting and mapping ecosystem characteristics, and spatially explicit wall-to-wall information is sometimes proposed as the best possible source of information...

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Modeling the effect of stand and site characteristics on the probability of mistletoe infestation in Scots pine stands using remote sensing data

Over the past decade, the presence of mistletoe (Viscum album ssp. austriacum) in Scots pine stands has increased in many European countries. Understanding the factors that influence the occurrence...

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The changes in soil organic carbon stock and quality across a subalpine forest successional series

Soil organic carbon (SOC) affects the function of terrestrial ecosystem and plays a vital role in global carbon cycle. Yet, large uncertainty still existed regarding the changes in SOC stock and quality...

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Tree mycorrhizal associations determine how biodiversity, large trees, and environmental factors drive aboveground carbon stock in temperate forests

Biodiversity, large trees, and environmental conditions such as climate and soil have important effects on forest carbon stocks. However, recent studies in temperate forests suggest that the relative...

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Resilience and response: Unveiling the impacts of extreme droughts on forests through integrated dendrochronological and remote sensing analyses

Extreme droughts are anticipated to have detrimental impacts on forest ecosystems, especially in water-limited regions, due to the influence of climate change. However, considerable uncertainty remains...

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Terrain or climate factor dominates vegetation resilience? Evidence from three national parks across different climatic zones in China

Vegetation resilience (VR), providing an objective measure of ecosystem health, has received considerable attention, however, there is still limited understanding of whether the dominant factors differ...

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Leading directions and effective distance of larch offspring dispersal at the upper treeline in the Northern and Polar Urals, Russia

Climate has changed sufficiently over the last 150 years and forced out upper treeline advance at the most studied sites around the world. The rate of advance has been extremely variable – from tens...

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Differential modulation of crown allometry and stem growth at gap edges in five European tree species by drought conditions

In Central Europe, forests are increasingly affected by various disturbances, resulting in an increasing gap formation in the canopy. In order to support goal-oriented management, more knowledge is...

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