Special Issue: Edible Fungus in Health and Future Foods

Published 22 July, 2023


As an excellent future food resource, edible fungi have intensive research prospects including the nutritional quality, functional property, and exploration of new germplasm resources. We have successfully organized a special issue on edible fungi and 10 papers were published on nutritional functions. In this issue, we will focus on more research fields of fungi based future food including but not limited to nutritional functions, fungal resources, mycelium fermentation, food safety standards, processing technology, and the evaluation and analysis techniques. The special issue will promote the research of edible fungi in manufacturing novel healthy food, and makes people better understanding the nutrition and function of edible fungi.


Edible fungi, Nutrition, Healthy food

Important deadlines:

  • Submission Deadline: December 30, 2023
  • Publication Data: April 2024

Submission instructions:

Please read the Guide for Authors before submitting. All articles should be submitted online; please select SI: Edible Fungus in Health and Future Foods

Special Issue Editor

Leading Editor


  • Min Chen, Professor, Shandong University/ State Key Laboratory of Microbial Technology/ Institute of Microbial Technology, chenmin@sdu.edu.cn
  • Gen Zou, Professor, Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences, zougen@sibs.ac.cn
  • Adel Fahmi Ahmed, Associate Professor, Agricultural Research Center, Egypt, adelfahmi_2008@yahoo.com
  • Xiaofeng Gao, Associate Professor, National R & D Center for Edible Fungus Processing Technology, Henan University, xiaofenggao1981@163.com


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