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Open access

ISSN: 2096-2320
CN: 10-1383/C
e-ISSN: 2589-5532

Cholesky GAS models for large time-varying covariance matrices

This paper develops a new class of multivariate models for large-dimensional time-varying covariance matrices, called Cholesky generalized autoregressive score (GAS) models, which are based on the Cholesky...

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A nested partitioning-based solution method for seru scheduling problem with resource allocation

This paper investigates the production scheduling problems of allocating resources and sequencing jobs in the seru production system (SPS). As a new-type manufacturing mode arising from Japanese production...

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Integrated schedule of order picking and delivery for instant delivery

In this study, we introduce an integrated schedule of order picking and delivery for instant delivery. Order picking, including order batching and picking sequencing, is scheduled online under real-time...

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Optimizing order policy and credit term for items with inventory-level-dependent demand under trade credit limit

Under the combined effects of inventory-level-dependent demand (ILDD) and trade credit, the retailer is able to order more quantities to stimulate market demand. However, from the supplier's perspective,...

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Retailers’ incentives for green investment in differentiated competition channels

With increasing public environmental awareness, green activities in retail and distribution processes have become crucial tools for retailers to boost demand and enhance competitiveness. This study...

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Economic uncertainty, central bank digital currency, and negative interest rate policy

The COVID-19 outbreak has brought unprecedented social attention to economic uncertainty and negative interest rate policy (NIRP). How does uncertainty affect economic activity, and how effective is...

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Monetary incentives and social ties in academic publications

Monetary incentives underlie academic publications, especially in countries where many researchers' incomes are performance-based. Evidence has documented that social ties improve the chances of publication...

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Time-varying road network design for urban hazmat transportation

Hazmat transportation in cities faces significant risks that may cause catastrophic losses to humans. From the perspective of the regulator, the main responsibility is to mitigate hazmat transport risk...

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Production quality and pricing strategy for substitutable products under comparison effects

Comparison effects have been studied extensively in many fields. In particular, existing operations management articles have discussed the impact of comparison effects on enterprises' production and...

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Application of quantum computing in discrete portfolio optimization

This study proposes a novel and more efficient quantum algorithm for portfolio optimization using quantum combinatorial optimization (QCO) techniques. A recent construction developed in 2021 has sparked...

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Using supplementary reviews to improve customer requirement identification and product design development

A clear understanding of customer needs is key to the success of new product development and customer-centric product design. Online reviews, particularly initial reviews, are commonly used as effective...

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An assessment of China's joint prevention and control policy on sulfur dioxide emissions reduction: A spatial econometric analysis

Sulfur dioxide (SO2) is a typical pollutant that affects human health, climate, and environmental and ecological conditions. China has been experiencing high concentrations of SO2, particularly in urban...

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Economic importance and structural robustness of the international pesticide trade networks

Pesticides are agricultural inputs that can significantly reduce yield losses, regulate plant growth, effectively liberate agricultural productivity, and improve food security. The availability of pesticides...

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Technology inflow following high-speed railway: Evidence from Chinese cities

Urban development thrives from technology inflows, which refers to the transfer of high-value technology from various cities to local recipients. The asymmetry of technical information—rooted in the...

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Understanding how heterogeneous agents affect Principal's returns: Perspectives from short-termism and Bayesian learning

We consider a general framework of optimal contract design under the heterogeneity and short-termism of agents. Our research shows that the optimal contract must weigh the agent's information rent,...

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Video-based pedestrian grouping model considering long-span space in a big hall

Pedestrian group detection is a challenging but significant issue in pedestrian flow control and public safety management. To address the issue that most conventional pedestrian grouping models (PGMs)...

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Credit ratings of Chinese online loan platforms based on factor scores and K-means clustering algorithm

The rapid development of Chinese online loan platforms (OLPs), as well as their risks, has attracted widespread attention, increasing the demand for a complete credit rating mechanism. The present study...

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Joint inventory and transshipment decisions with consumer behavioral heterogeneity

Transshipment is an effective method for reducing mismatches between supply and demand among retailers. Consumers attempting to purchase out-of-stock items may wait for transshipment, purchase at another...

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Digital Influencer's choice of product endorsement: A perspective of congruence

To infer product fitness information, consumers often consult digital influencers who exert effort to learn and evaluate product features and then propagate information to their followers. However,...

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Market reactions to trade friction between China and the United States: Evidence from the soybean futures market

In March 2018, the US used an immense trade deficit as an excuse to provoke trade friction with China. This study uses the EGARCH model and event study methods to study the impact of the major risk...

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Does political propaganda matter in mitigating climate change? Insights from the United States of America

Some research on climate change has been the basis of climate change denialism (hereafter, CCD is used to refer to denial, denialism, and deniers). There is formative knowledge about the role of political...

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Adding dummy variables: A simple approach for improved volatility forecasting in electricity market

This study used dummy variables to measure the influence of day-of-the-week effects and structural breaks on volatility. Considering day-of-the-week effects, structural breaks, or both, we propose three...

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The effect of high-involvement human resource management practices on supply chain resilience and operational performance

Supply chain (SC) resilience is an increasingly important topic for practitioners and academics because it is a competitive weapon for firms to cope with SC disruptive risks. This study examines the...

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A branch-and-price algorithm to perform single-machine scheduling for additive manufacturing

Additive manufacturing (AM) has attracted significant attention in recent years based on its wide range of applications and growing demand. AM offers the advantages of production flexibility and design...

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Complimentary return-freight insurance serves the dark side: An innovative online return policy in China

E-commerce is a typical form of retail digitalization that introduces online uncertainty and product returns. To decrease the negative influence of online uncertainty, the largest Chinese e-commerce...

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