Forest Ecosystems
Forest Ecosystems
The contents of Volumes 1-8 of Forest Ecosystems published with Springer can be found here.( Ecosystems is an open access, peer-reviewed journal publishin...
The contents of Volumes 1-8 of Forest Ecosystems published with Springer can be found here.(
Forest Ecosystems is an open access, peer-reviewed journal publishing scientific communications from any discipline that can provide interesting contributions about the structure and dynamics of "natural" and "domesticated" forest ecosystems, and their services to people. The journal welcomes innovative science as well as application-oriented work that will enhance understanding of woody plant communities. Very specific studies are welcome if they are part of a thematic series that provides some holistic perspective that is of general interest.

Society affiliation
Drawing on its solid foundation in biology and ecology, Beijing Forestry University (BFU) is a national key university that, in addition to stressing on the balanced and coordinated development of programs in agronomy, science, engineering, management, economy, law, philosophy, education as well as arts, prides itself particularly on its distinctiv...
Drawing on its solid foundation in biology and ecology, Beijing Forestry University (BFU) is a national key university that, in addition to stressing on the balanced and coordinated development of programs in agronomy, science, engineering, management, economy, law, philosophy, education as well as arts, prides itself particularly on its distinctive disciplines such as forestry, ecology and nature conservation, landscape architecture, forestry engineering, grass science, and agro-economic management.
The university has consistently adhered to a vision that celebrates on "Championship in Earth Stewardship, Leadership in Forestry Education" and taken as its mandatory mission to "adorn a picturesque touch to the mountains, the rivers and the entire terrestrial landscape of the country so as to turn the motherland into a lovely painting created by nature". Over the 70-old years since the establishment of BFU, more than 200,000 domestic and foreign graduates have emerged from the university to become high-level forestry and ecology professionals that contribute significantly to China's ecological progresses, thriving forestry sector and note-worthy social-economic growth.
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Call for papers
Forest-climate-water nexus under a changing environment: resilience and adaption
Submission deadline: December 31st, 2025.
3D remote sensing for forests – progress and perspective
Submission deadline: 31 October 2022