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ISSN: 1674-9847
CN: 42-1806/P
e-ISSN: 2589-0573

Performance evaluation of HY-2 series satellites in marine gravity field recovery

China has successfully launched four Haiyang-2 (HY-2) series altimetry satellites. HY-2A has attracted significant attention in gravity field recovery, but the performance of other HY-2 series satellites,...

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Predicting bathymetry based on vertical gravity gradient anomaly and analyses for various influential factors

The prediction of bathymetry has advanced significantly with the development of satellite altimetry. However, the majority of its data originate from marine gravity anomaly. In this study, based on...

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Tidal modeling based on satellite altimetry observations of TOPEX/Poseidon, Jason1, Jason2, and Jason3 with high prediction capability: A case study of the Baltic Sea

This research aims to optimize the utilization of long-term sea level data from the TOPEX/Poseidon, Jason1, Jason2, and Jason3 altimetry missions for tidal modeling. We generate a time series of along-track...

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Inversion method of deflection of the vertical based on SWOT wide-swath altimeter data

The deflection of the vertical (DOV) is the key information in the study of ocean gravity field. However, in most areas, the precision of the prime component of DOV is significantly lower than that...

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Study on the vertical deformations induced by terrestrial water storage changes in Huang-Huai-Hai river basin

Terrestrial water storage (TWS) variations are associated with water mass movements, which may cause the deformation displacements of the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) stations. This study...

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Performance analysis of the tight combination of GPS, BDS, GALILEO, and QZSS mixed frequencies signals

With the gradual development and modernization of satellite navigation systems, using observation information from multi-GNSS has become one of the hot-spot issues in recent years. Multi-system loose...

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Viscoelastic stress change from the 1931 MW7.8 Fuyun earthquake and its impacts on seismic activity around the Altai mountains

The 1931 MW7.8 Fuyun earthquake occurred around the Altai mountains, an intracontinental deformation belt with limited active strain-rate accumulation. To explore whether seismic activity in this deformation...

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Slip rate and interseismic coupling along the Moxi-Shimian segment of the Xianshuihe fault, Eastern Qinghai-Xizang Plateau

On September 5, 2022, the Luding M6.8 earthquake occurred in the Moxi-Shimian segment of the Xianshuihe fault, coinciding with the historical ruptured zone of the 1786 Moxi earthquake. Its seismogenic...

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Improved gravity field estimation by incorporating the Tiangong Space Station and next-generation CAI satellite gravity mission

The next-generation gravity satellite mission equipped with the Cold Atom Interferometry (CAI) gradiometer has great potential for the Earth's gravity field estimation. Deploying a CAI gradiometer on...

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The analysis of crustal deformation patterns in the Tashkent region, Uzbekistan, derived from GNSS data over the period 2018–2023

The Tashkent region is one of the most tectonically and seismically active areas in Uzbekistan. Although it is highly significant, the understanding and quantification of current deformation processes...

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Exploring the topographical pattern beneath the water surface: Global bathymetric volume-area-height curves (BVAH) of inland surface water bodies

Global inland surface water bodies such as lakes and reservoirs, important components of the hydrosphere and ecosphere, are increasingly affected by climate change. Generating bathymetric volume-area-height...

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Evaluating the accuracy of earth rotation parameters based on the BDS observations

The BeiDou satellite system (BDS) has progressed with the full operationalization of the second-generation regional system (BDS-2) and the third-generation global system (BDS-3). This technology plays...

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The dynamic effects of solar eclipses of October 25, 2022, and October 14, 2023, on GPS-derived total electron content

This study analyzes total electron content (TEC) variations during two solar eclipse events that occurred on October 25, 2022, and October 14, 2023. The solar eclipse of October 25, 2022, was a partial...

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Performance of GNSS positioning in PPP mode using MADOCA precise products

The Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) is widely utilized for accurate positioning. One commonly applied method to obtain precise coordinate estimates is by implementing the relative positioning...

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Improving atmospheric pressure vertical correction model using Gaussian function

The Zenith Hydrostatic Delay (ZHD) is essential for high-precision Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) and Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) data processing. Accurate estimation of ZHD...

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Detection and interpretation of the time-varying seasonal signals in China with multi-geodetic measurements

The time-varying periodic variations in Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) stations affect the reliable time series analysis and appropriate geophysical interpretation. In this study, we apply...

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Factors influencing the effectiveness of SM-VCE method in solving 3D surface deformation

The recovery of coseismic 3-dimensional (3D) surface deformation field plays a crucial role in studying seismic source characteristics and earthquake hazards. As of now, there are two main types of...

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On the ionospheric response in the Taiwan region to Typhoon Meranti in September 2016

Previous studies have revealed that typhoons can affect the ionosphere. This paper uses GNSS observations provided by Taiwan GNSS tracking stations, ERA5 gravity wave dissipation products, and Himawari-8...

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Improved artificial bee colony algorithm for pressure source parameter inversion of Sakurajima volcano from InSAR data

A novel artificial bee colony algorithm was introduced for the eruption event of the Sakurajima volcano on August 9, 2020, to invert the magma source characteristics below the volcano based on the point...

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An improved typhoon monitoring model based on precipitable water vapor and pressure

The potential of monitoring the movement of typhoons using the precipitable water vapor (PWV) has been confirmed. However, monitoring the movement of typhoon is focused on PWV, making it difficult to...

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Determining the effective elastic thickness through cross-correlation between isostatic disturbances

The elastic thickness parameter was estimated using the mobile correlation technique between the observed isostatic disturbance and the gravity disturbance calculated through direct gravimetric modeling....

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Co-seismic surface displacement of the June 21, 2022 MW6 Khōst, Afghanistan earthquake from InSAR observations

A robust estimation of the earthquake location, seismic moment, and fault geometry is essential for objective seismic hazard assessment. Seismic events in a remote location, specifically in the absence...

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