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Open access

ISSN: 2095-6339
CN: 10-1107/P
e-ISSN: 2589-059X

Improving maize residue cover estimation with the combined use of optical and SAR remote sensing images

Conservation tillage is an important conservation measure for arable land in modern agricultural production, which plays an essential role in protecting black soil and improving the quality of arable...

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Appraising trapping efficiency of vegetative barriers in agricultural landscapes: Strategy based on a probabilistic approach based on a review of available information

Vegetative barriers have proven their effectiveness in controlling water erosion and enhancing other ecosystem services in agricultural areas. This characteristic has led to the conservation and promotion...

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Benggang segmentation via deep exchanging of digital orthophoto map and digital surface model features

Benggang is a typical fragmented erosional landscape in southern and southeastern China, posing significant risk to the local residents and economic development. Therefore, an efficient and accurate...

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Responses of soil aggregate stability and soil erosion resistance to different bedrock strata dip and land use types in the karst trough valley of Southwest China

Soil aggregate stability is an important index that reflects soil quality and anti-erosion ability and strongly affects soil processes and functions. Bedrock strata dips (dip and anti-dip slopes) and...

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Intensified cropping reduces soil erosion and improves rainfall partitioning and soil properties in the marginal land of the Indian Himalayas

Environmental crises, land degradation, declining factor productivity, and farm profitability questioned the sustainability of linear economy-based existing agricultural production model. Hence, there...

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Watershed management, groundwater recharge and drought resilience: An integrated approach to adapt to rainfall variability in northern Ethiopia

Rainfall variability coupled with poor land and water management is contributing to food insecurity in many sub-Saharan African countries such as Ethiopia. To address such challenges, various efforts...

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Cover crops, crop rotation, and gypsum, as conservation practices, impact Mehlich-3 extractable plant nutrients and trace metals

Conservation practices are encouraged to improve soil health and sustain agronomic crop production. Mehlich-3 is often used as a multi-nutrient extractant to determine soil fertility status. A study...

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Response to comment by Daley et al., on “Assessing gully erosion and rehabilitation using multi temporal LiDAR DEMs: Case study from the Great Barrier Reef catchments, Australia”

Daley et al. (2023a) argue that at least 10–15 years apart Digital Elevation Model (DEM) derived DEMs of Difference (DoD) surveys are needed to detect reliable geomorphic change within the gullied landscapes...

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Large-scale extraction of check dams and silted fields on the Chinese loess plateau using ensemble learning models

Check dams have been widely constructed in the Chinese Loess Plateau and has played an important role in controlling soil loss during last 70 years. However, the large-scale and automatic mapping of...

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Saltwater intrusion in the Po River Delta (Italy) during drought conditions: Analyzing its spatio-temporal evolution and potential impact on agriculture

Saltwater intrusion along rivers is a complex process controlled by multiple factors and thus fluctuates with a highly nonlinear nature and time-varying characteristics. It is challenging to monitor...

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Effect of the moisture content and dry density on the shear strength parameters of collapsing wall in hilly granite areas of South China

The changes in the mechanical properties of collapsing walls under the influence of natural factors in the hilly area of southern China need to be determined. We systematically studied the influence...

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Timely monitoring of soil water-salt dynamics within cropland by hybrid spectral unmixing and machine learning models

Soil salinization and water scarcity are main restrictive factors for irrigated agriculture development in arid regions. Knowing dynamics of soil water and salt content is an important antecedent in...

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Divergent shift of normal alpine meadow exacerbated soil loss of hillslope alpine meadows based on field experiments

Global climate change and overgrazing are driving shifts in the plant composition of grassland communities, which may profoundly affect the function of grassland ecosystems in regulating runoff and...

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The impacts of armed conflict on vegetation cover degradation in Tigray, northern Ethiopia

Efforts made to restore the degraded landscape of the Tigray region, Northern Ethiopia, over the last three decades have been relatively successful. However, an armed conflict that broke out in the...

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A validation of WEPP water quality routines in uniform and nonuniform agricultural hillslopes

Current watershed-scale, nonpoint source pollution models do not represent the processes and impacts of agricultural best management practices on water quality with sufficient detail. A Water Erosion...

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Mapping sediment mobilization risks: Prioritizing results obtained at watershed and sub-watershed scales

Soils are key natural resources for the Earth’s system; however, human impacts, especially, soil erosion are considered serious threats. Therefore, identifying and assessing effective factors to understand...

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Assessing the risk of check dam failure due to heavy rainfall using machine learning on the Loess Plateau, China

Check dams are widely used throughout the world to tackle soil and water loss. However, the frequency of extreme rainfall events has increased owing to global climate change and the main structure of...

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Soil loss and sedimentation rates in a subcatchment of the Yellow river Basin in China

Soil loss by water erosion is one of the main threats to soil health and food production in intensively used agricultural areas. To assess its significance to overall sediment production, we applied...

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Utilizing geodetectors to identify conditioning factors for gully erosion risk in the black soil region of northeast China

In the black soil region of Northeast China, the issue of gully erosion persists as a significant threat, resulting in extensive damage to farmland, severe degradation of the black soil, and decreased...

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Feedback mechanism between gully landforms and sediment trapping efficiency in a check dam

Check dams have been used worldwide for a variety of purposes. With increasing age, check dams gradually lose their sediment trapping function via the continuous deposition of material carried by debris...

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Automated quantification of contouring as support practice for improved soil erosion estimation considering ridges

Using soil conservation practices such as contouring are able to reduce soil loss on arable land parcels. In the empirical model of the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE), these measures are taken...

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The effectiveness of alluvial gully remediation in Great Barrier Reef catchments

This study presents data from a large-scale Before After Control Impact (BACI) design field experiment that measured the sediment reduction achieved by remediating large alluvial gullies. The study...

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Modification of the RUSLE slope length factor based on a multiple flow algorithm considering vertical leakage at karst landscapes

Heterogeneous karst surfaces exerted scaling effects whereby specific runoff decrease with increasing area. The existing RUSLE-L equations are limited by the default implicit assumption that the surface-runoff...

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Evaluating soil erosion and runoff dynamics in a humid subtropic, low stream order, southern plains watershed from cultivation and solar farm development

Much work has been done to understand and improve soil and water conservation where agriculture has driven land use intensification. Less is known about soil- and water-related impacts from intensification...

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Wind tunnel simulation of wind erosion and dust emission processes, and the influences of soil texture

Dust emission caused by wind erosion of soil is an important surface process in arid and semi-arid regions. However, existing dust emission models pay insufficient attention to the impacts of aerodynamic...

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