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Open access

ISSN: 1674-2834
e-ISSN: 2376-6123

Interannual variability of boreal summer intraseasonal oscillation over the northwestern Pacific influenced by the Pacific Meridional Mode

During the boreal summer, intraseasonal oscillations exhibit significant interannual variations in intensity over two key regions: the central-western equatorial Pacific (5°S–5°N, 150°E–150°W) and the...

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Application of the improved dung beetle optimizer, muti-head attention and hybrid deep learning algorithms to groundwater depth prediction in the Ningxia area, China

Due to the lack of accurate data and complex parameterization, the prediction of groundwater depth is a challenge for numerical models. Machine learning can effectively solve this issue and has been...

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Optimizing the key parameter to accelerate the recovery of AMOC under a rapid increase of greenhouse gas forcing

Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) plays a central role in long-term climate variations through its heat and freshwater transports, which can collapse under a rapid increase of greenhouse...

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Increase in the variability of terrestrial carbon uptake in response to enhanced future ENSO modulation

El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is a major driver of climate change in middle and low latitudes and thus strongly influences the terrestrial carbon cycle through land–air interaction. Both the ENSO...

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Arctic sea-ice extent: No record minimum in 2023 or recent years

Arctic sea-ice extent reaches its minimum each year in September. On 11 September 2023 the minimum was 4.969 million square kilometers (mill.km2). This was not a record low, which occurred in 2012,...

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Impact of ocean data assimilation on the seasonal forecast of the 2014/15 marine heatwave in the Northeast Pacific Ocean

A remarkable marine heatwave, known as the “Blob”, occurred in the Northeast Pacific Ocean from late 2013 to early 2016, which displayed strong warm anomalies extending from the surface to a depth of...

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Role of the Greenland Sea ice anomaly in the late-spring drought over Northwest China

Drought across Northwest China in late spring has exerted a vital effect on the local climate and agricultural production, and has been alleviated during the past decades. This study explored the influence...

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Impacts of the annual cycle of background SST in the tropical Pacific on the phase and amplitude of ENSO

The dominant annual cycle of sea surface temperature (SST) in the tropical Pacific exhibits an antisymmetric mode, which explains 83.4% total variance, and serves as a background of El Niño–Southern...

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Satellite remote sensing reveals overwhelming recovery of forest from disturbances in Asia

Forest ecosystems play key roles in mitigating human-induced climate change through enhanced carbon uptake; however, frequently occurring climate extremes and human activities have considerably threatened...

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The evolving distribution of humidity conditional on temperature and implications for compound heat extremes across China in a warming world

The likelihood of extreme heat occurrence is continuously increasing with global warming. Under high temperatures, humidity may exacerbate the heat impact on humanity. As atmospheric humidity depends...

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Mechanistic study of a downhill merging and enhancement of convection in Beijing

Numerical simulation of the merging of a thunderstorm cluster from the mountain area near Beijing and a thunderstorm over the adjacent plains on 23 August 2021, along with a diagnosis and analysis of...

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Westward shift of western North Pacific tropical cyclones in CMIP6-HighResMIP models

Against the backdrop of climate change, the activity of tropical cyclones (TCs) has captured widespread attention. Observational datasets indicate a declining trend in the genesis longitude of western...

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A non-ENSO driver of the South China Sea winter monsoon: North Pacific sea ice

The South China Sea winter monsoon (SCSWM), an integral component of the East Asian winter monsoon, connects extratropical and tropical regions. Utilizing ERA5 reanalysis and PAMIP simulations, we investigate...

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Typhoon Kompasu (2021) simulation with planetary boundary layer and cloud physics parameterization improvements

This study introduces a new ocean surface friction velocity scheme and a modified Thompson cloud microphysics parameterization scheme into the CMA-TYM model. The impact of these two parameterization...

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Subseasonal impact of extreme Tibetan Plateau snow cover on the local atmosphere in summer

Due to the high elevation and cold climate of the Tibetan Plateau, the western region retains extensive snow cover during the summer, which can exhibit rapid variability over the course of just a few...

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Skillful bias correction of offshore near-surface wind field forecasting based on a multi-task machine learning model

Accurate short-term forecast of offshore wind fields is still challenging for numerical weather prediction models. Based on three years of 48-hour forecast data from the European Centre for Medium-Range...

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Impacts of lateral boundary conditions from numerical models and data-driven networks on convective-scale ensemble forecasts

The impacts of lateral boundary conditions (LBCs) provided by numerical models and data-driven networks on convective-scale ensemble forecasts are investigated in this study. Four experiments are conducted...

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Visible and shortwave-infrared spectral characteristics of mixed-phase clouds in typical satellite radiometer channels

Mixed-phase clouds (MPCs) involve complex microphysical and dynamical processes of cloud formation and dissipation, which are crucial for numerical weather prediction and cloud-climate feedback. However,...

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Impacts of meteorological conditions on the NASM pollution data assimilation system

Since meteorological conditions are the main factor driving the transport and dispersion of air pollutants, an accurate simulation of the meteorological field will directly affect the accuracy of the...

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Evaluation of surface wind speed over East Asia and the adjacent ocean in three reanalyses using satellite and in-situ observations

Surface wind speed (SWS) not only plays a crucial role in regulating the Earth's energy and hydrological cycle, but also is an important source of sustainable renewable energy. This study assesses the...

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Characteristics and possible causes of the Meiyu over the Yangtze–Huaihe River Basin in 2023

The Meiyu in the Yangtze–Huaihe River basin (YHRB) in 2023 was featured by delayed onset and retreat, a shorter duration, and below-normal Meiyu precipitation. The relatively weak cold air invading...

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Impact of deforestation on precipitation extremes in China based on land use model intercomparison project models

Deforestation has a significant influence on the hydrological cycle. Understanding the impact of deforestation on precipitation extremes is crucial for addressing global environmental challenges. This...

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Clarifying the relationship between PM2.5 and ozone complex pollution and synoptic patterns in a typical petrochemical city in the Bohai Rim region of China: Implications for air pollution forecasting and control

Meteorological conditions are vital to PM2.5 and ozone (O3) complex pollution. Herein, the T-mode principal component analysis method was employed to objectively classify the 925-hPa geopotential height...

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Significant contributions of the petroleum industry to volatile organic compounds and ozone pollution: Insights from year-long observations in the Yellow River Delta

The petroleum industry is a significant source of anthropogenic volatile organic compounds (VOCs), but up to now, its exact impact on urban VOCs and ozone (O3) remains unclear. This study conducted...

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Implications of 1.5 K climate warming on warm-season ozone exposure and atmospheric oxidation capacity in China

Surface ozone (O3) poses significant threats to public health, agricultural crops, and plants in natural ecosystems. Global warming is likely to increase future O3 mainly by altering atmospheric photochemical...

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