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ISSN: 2667-1344

Investigation on ignition overpressure wave characteristics and its ambience in launch pad

Large solid rocket motors are widely used as booster stages as well as in core stages of heavy lift launch vehicles due to its simple operation and high thrust delivery capability compared to other...

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Ballistic performance of alumina/carbon fiber/aramid composite against impact of different projectile shapes

This study explores the ballistic performance of an alumina/carbon fibre/KevlarⓇ aramid composite panel against impacts from various projectile shapes, including ogive, conical, cylindrical, hemispherical,...

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New X-ray based characterization technique for aluminized explosives and effect of aluminum proportion on velocity of detonation

Explosive samples of aluminized compositions based on RDX/HMX-TNT have been investigated using digital radiography comprising a flat panel detector and an ultra-fine focus X-ray tube. Melt-cast aluminized...

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Experimental and numerical investigation on combustion characteristics of double large cube RDX-based NEPE solid propellant burning in an atmospheric environment

When two solid propellant fire sources are in close proximity, their combustion characteristics may interact, leading to the phenomenon known as dual-fire source solid propellant fire. This study aims...

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Development of hydrogen peroxide based micro thruster utilizing biomass-based catalyst bed

Micro thrusters, also referred to as micro-newton thrusters, are thrusters having a wide range of force capabilities in the micro-newton range. Micro thrusters are used in CubeSats, tiny robots and...

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Performance estimation of hybrid rocket by varying the flow rate at multi-location swirl injector

This study attempts to evaluate the effect of varying the oxidizer mass flow rate through the secondary mid-location swirl injector on the performance of a hybrid rocket motor (HRM). The hybrid fuel...

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Analysis of the combined impulse of fragments and the shock wave composite load

This study conducted experiments and numerical simulations to investigate the Mechanical Properties of Fragments and Shock Waves generated blast. A combined impulse calculation model was established...

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Maltose-based pyrotechnic aerosol forming composites for fire extinguishing application

This study explores the development of environmentally friendly aerosol forming composites (AFCs) for use in condensed aerosol-based fire extinguishing systems (CAFES). Traditional fire suppressants...

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Effect on the performance of a hybrid rocket using AP in the PVC and HTPB-based hybrid fuel

•AP is added in limited quantity to hybrid fuel for improving performance.•Regression rate increased with AP addition to HTPB while PVC fuel gave no change.•Pressure, thrust and efficiency increased...

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Low-sensitivity energetic material based on 1,2,4-oxadiazole

In this work, a new series of monocyclic compounds based on 1,2,4-oxadiazol-5(4H)-one was synthesized. The molecular structure, thermal stability and sensitivity to external stimuli for these compounds...

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Effect of the accelerated aging process on the thermal decomposition of LiAlH4-based composite solid propellants

In the present work, a study was carried out on the effect of the accelerated aging process on the thermal decomposition of two composite solid propellants based on ammonium perchlorate (AP) and hydroxy‑terminated...

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Evaluating the performance of ceramic/fabric composite panels against simultaneous steel projectile impacts: An experimental and numerical study

•Experiments were conducted on ceramic/fabric composite panels, made from 99.5 % alumina along with Kevlar® and carbon fibre fabrics, to assess their ballistic performance, focusing on the dynamics...

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Exploring the combustion mechanism of single micron-sized aluminum particles with a numerical model

In this work, we explore the combustion mechanism of single micron-sized aluminum particles using a numerical model. The Burcat database and Catoire mechanism is considered as the thermodynamic data...

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Chemical compatibility of energetic metal complexes with polymers by thermal analytical techniques

•This article represents an interesting piece of work on chemical compatibility of energetic metal complexes with polymers epoxy resin and Viton a by thermal analytical techniques.•The chemical compatibility...

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Synthesis of propellant grade HHTPB by hydrogenation of HTPB using Pd-activated charcoal as catalyst

To derive more performance from the conventional composite propellant based on hydroxyl-terminated polybutadiene (HTPB) and ammonium perchlorate (AP), it is envisaged to hydrogenate HTPB, which increases...

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Nitramino-polymer with ether bridges and 1,2,3-triazole subunits incorporated into the polymer chain

The creation of novel energetic polymers for future advanced solid composite propellants and gunpowder is an urgent area of modern research. A simple and effective waste-free cycloaddition reaction...

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Highly energetic formulations of boron and polytetrafluoroethylene for improved ignition and oxidative heat release

Boron (B) is desirable for energetic applications due to high gravimetric and volumetric energy densities. However, their use is limited because the native oxide shells on their surfaces limit oxidation...

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Core-shell structured α-AlH3/Fe2O3 thermite with improved heat-release and combustion performance

Thermites are widely used in propellants, explosives and ignition materials because of their high heat release rate and good combustion efficiency. Structural control over thermites to achieve improved...

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Towards to some published misconceptions about TNT and ɛ-CL20

•High impact sensitivity of TNT of 14 - 16 J is due to the air microbubbles in it•Internal porosity & cracks in ɛ-CL20 crystal cause high sensitivity of 2 - 4.4 J•These values were dominated in literature...

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Enhancing accuracy in equivalent in-service-time assessment for homogeneous solid propellants: A novel temperature-independent predictive model utilizing PCA of FTIR data

The present study was devoted to setting a universal T-independent predictive model of equivalent in-service-time (EIST) for homogenous solid propellant (HSP) to surpass the limits of the van't Hoff...

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Thermal Decomposition Behavior of Ammonium Perchlorate/Nitrated Microcrystalline Cellulose Carbamate/Diethylene Glycol Dinitrate Energetic Composite

This study reports the successful preparation of an energetic composite consisting of ammonium perchlorate (AP), nitrated microcrystalline cellulose carbamate (M3CN), and diethylene glycol dinitrate...

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Properties of High-Energy Propellants Based on Oxygen-Enriched Thermoplastic Elastomer Binders

Composite propellants are widely used in applications ranging from gas generators and small rockets to large rocket systems in space programs. This study presents a novel thermoplastic elastomer (TPE)...

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Unraveling the role of ammonium perchlorate on the thermal properties and degradation kinetics of NPS-DEGDN energetic composite

Double-base energetic composites have garnered substantial attention, particularly in aerospace, rocket, and missile applications. This class of materials offers diverse burning rates, high specific...

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Antibacterial Properties of Hydroxyethyl Cellulose-Based Drug-Loaded Composite Coatings Prepared by Low-Power Electron Beam Deposition Methods

Hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC) is a multifunctional polymer whose reticular structure and water retention capacity give it a great advantage in medical materials. In this study, a three-layer composite...

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Effects of RDX and HMX on the thermal stability properties of modified double-base propellants

•The thermal decomposition of RDX/HMX-CMDB propellants were compared.•The flame and mechanical sensitivity of RDX/HMX-CMDB propellants were investigated.•The trigger bond length and CED of the five...

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