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Open access

ISSN: 2468-0427
CN: 10-1766/R
p-ISSN: 2468-2152

Assessing the dynamics and impact of COVID-19 vaccination on disease spread: A data-driven approach

The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted global health, social, and economic situations since its emergence in December 2019. The primary focus of this study is to propose a distinct vaccination...

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Impact of infectious density-induced additional screening and treatment saturation on COVID-19: Modeling and cost-effective optimal control

This study introduces a novel SI2HR model, where “I2” denotes two infectious classes representing asymptomatic and symptomatic infections, aiming to investigate and analyze the cost-effective optimal...

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Optimal decision-making in relieving global high temperature-related disease burden by data-driven simulation

The rapid acceleration of global warming has led to an increased burden of high temperature-related diseases (HTDs), highlighting the need for advanced evidence-based management strategies. We have...

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Integrating immunoinformatics and computational epitope prediction for a vaccine candidate against Respiratory Syncytial Virus

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) poses a significant global health threat, especially among vulnerable populations such as infants and older people. Developing an effective vaccine against RSV remains...

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An Effectiveness Study of Vaccination and Quarantine Combination Strategies for Containing Mpox Transmission on Simulated College Campuses

The ongoing transmission of mpox in specific countries and regions necessitates urgent action. It is essential to implement targeted containment strategies that concentrate on high-risk populations...

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Ebola virus disease model with a non linear incidence rate and density-dependent treatment

This paper studies an Ebola epidemic model with an exponential nonlinear incidence function that considers the efficacy and the behaviour change. The current model also incorporates a new density-dependent...

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Optimal therapy for HIV infection containment and virions inhibition

Prevention and early diagnosis are the best and most effective ways for defeating HIV. There is still no vaccine, but treatments with antiretroviral drugs are now available which, in many cases, allow...

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Analysis of the impact of treatments on HIV/AIDS and Tuberculosis co-infected population under random perturbations

In this work, we study the impact of treatments at different stages of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Tuberculosis (TB) co-infection in a population under the influence of random perturbations....

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The importance of increasing primary vaccinations against COVID-19 in Europe

In the European Union, mass vaccination against COVID-19 staved off the strict restrictions that had characterized early epidemic response. Now, vaccination campaigns are focusing on booster doses,...

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Forecast of peak infection and estimate of excess deaths in COVID-19 transmission and prevalence in Taiyuan City, 2022 to 2023

In this paper, with the method of epidemic dynamics, we assess the spread and prevalence of COVID-19 after the policy adjustment of prevention and control measure in December 2022 in Taiyuan City in...

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Dynamics of a two-group model for assessing the impacts of pre-exposure prophylaxis, testing and risk behaviour change on the spread and control of HIV/AIDS in an MSM population

Although much progress has been made in reducing the public health burden of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), since its emergence in the...

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Transmission matrices used in epidemiologic modelling

Mixing matrices are included in infectious disease models to reflect transmission opportunities between population strata. These matrices were originally constructed on the basis of theoretical considerations...

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Reconstruction of incidence reporting rate for SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant of COVID-19 pandemic in the US

In recent years, advanced regularization techniques have emerged as a powerful tool aimed at stable estimation of infectious disease parameters that are crucial for future projections, prevention, and...

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SEIRS model for malaria transmission dynamics incorporating seasonality and awareness campaign

Malaria, a devastating disease caused by the Plasmodium parasite and transmitted through the bites of female Anopheles mosquitoes, remains a significant public health concern, claiming over 600,000...

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The effect of the fear factor on the dynamics of an eco-epidemiological system with standard incidence rate

In order to protect endangered prey, ecologists suggest introducing parasites into predators which have achieved the expected goal in practice. Then how to explain the inherent mechanism and validate...

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Spatial analysis of Dengue through the reproduction numbers relating to socioeconomic features: Case studies on two Brazilian urban centers

The study of the propagation of infectious diseases in urban centers finds a close connection with their population's social characteristics and behavior. This work performs a spatial analysis of dengue...

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Exploring the interplay between climate change and schistosomiasis transmission dynamics

Schistosomiasis, a neglected tropical disease caused by parasitic worms, poses a major public health challenge in economically disadvantaged regions, especially in Sub-Saharan Africa. Climate factors,...

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The need for pre-emptive control strategies for mpox in Asia and Oceania

The transmission dynamics of the recent mpox outbreak highlights the lack of infrastructure available to rapidly respond to novel STI outbreaks, of which Asia and Oceania remains particularly susceptible....

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Structural network characteristics affect epidemic severity and prediction in social contact networks

Understanding and mitigating epidemic spread in complex networks requires the measurement of structural network properties associated with epidemic risk. Classic measures of epidemic thresholds like...

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An application of small-world network on predicting the behavior of infectious disease on campus

Networks haven been widely used to understand the spread of infectious disease. This study examines the properties of small-world networks in modeling infectious disease on campus. Two different small-world...

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Counterfactual analysis of the 2023 Omicron XBB wave in China

China has experienced a COVID-19 wave caused by Omicron XBB variant starting in April 2023. Our aim is to conduct a retrospective analysis exploring the dynamics of the outbreak under counterfactual...

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Exploring a targeted approach for public health capacity restrictions during COVID-19 using a new computational model

This work introduces the Queen's University Agent-Based Outbreak Outcome Model (QUABOOM). This tool is an agent-based Monte Carlo simulation for modelling epidemics and informing public health policy....

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Assessing the impact of booster vaccination on diphtheria transmission: Mathematical modeling and risk zone mapping

The COVID-19 pandemic caused significant disruptions in the healthcare system, affecting vaccinations and the management of diphtheria cases. As a consequence of these disruptions, numerous countries...

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Time series models in prediction of severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome cases in Shandong province, China

Severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome (SFTS) is an emerging infectious disease caused by the SFTS virus (SFTSV). Predicting the incidence of this disease in advance is crucial for policymakers...

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Increasing age and duration of sex work among female sex workers in South Africa and implications for HIV incidence estimation: Bayesian evidence synthesis and simulation exercise

In sub-Saharan Africa, accurate estimates of the HIV epidemic in female sex workers are crucial for effective prevention and care strategies. These estimates are typically derived from mathematical...

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