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Open access

ISSN: 2667-3258
CN: 10-1722/N
p-ISSN: 2096-9457

Detecting stereoscopic distribution of carbon dioxide using single photon spectroscopy

It is of great significance to develop a high-precision and high spatiotemporal resolution of stereoscopic detection technology to finely delineate the horizontal and vertical distributions of CO2....

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High-Performance Collision Avoidance Parallel Parking Strategy of the Autonomous Vehicle

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Recent advances in bio-integrated electrochemical sensors for neuroengineering

Detecting and diagnosing neurological diseases in modern healthcare presents substantial challenges that directly impact patient outcomes. The complex nature of these conditions demands precise and...

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Critical biomarkers for responsive deep brain stimulation and responsive focal cortex stimulation in epilepsy field

To derive critical signal features from intracranial electroencephalograms of epileptic patients in order to design instructions for feedback-type electrical stimulation systems. The Detrended Fluctuation...

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Flat-band based high-temperature ferromagnetic semiconducting state in the graphitic C4N3 monolayer

Half-filled isolated flat-band paves a new way to realize high-temperature ferromagnetic semiconductor for spintronics applications, but it is extremely rare in lattice models and lacking in realistic...

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An overview of fake news detection: From a new perspective

•This survey summarizes three intrinsic characteristics of fake news by analyzing its entire diffusion process, namely intentional creation, heteromorphic transmission, and controversial reception,...

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Current AAV-mediated gene therapy in sensorineural hearing loss

The number of patients with hearing loss is on the rise due to congenital abnormalities, degenerative changes in old age, and acquired injuries such as virus or ototoxic drug-induced diseases. Hearing...

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Adsorbate-driven dynamic active sites in stannosilicate zeolites

Elucidating the nature of the active sites in heterogeneous catalysts is fundamental for understanding their reactivity and catalytic performances. Although stannosilicate zeolites have tremendous application...

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Compact source for quadripartite deterministically entangled optical fields

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Polarization variable terahertz metasurface along the propagation path

Conventional metasurfaces for terahertz polarization are limited to performing lateral (in the x-y plane) polarization control of the output wave. In such cases, the polarization state remains unchanged...

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Multimodal technologies for neural modulation and sensing

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Logarithmic sensitivity ratio elucidates thermal transport physics in multivariate thermoreflectance experiments

We mathematically derived a sensitivity-based method that identifies the thermal transport physics and parameters suitable for multivariate nonlinear fits in a frequency-domain thermoreflectance (FDTR)...

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Accurate measurements of the bond dissociation energies of 14N2, 14N15N and 15N2

Accurate determinations of bond dissociation energies (BDEs) and the corresponding enthalpies of formation derived from them are of fundamental importance, while on the other hand also very challenging...

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Loosening metal nodes in metal-organic frameworks to facilitate the regulation of valence

The valence of metal nodes in metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) determines their performance in applications while developing an efficient approach for valence regulation is challenging. Here we present...

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End-to-end dataflow engineering framework of honey manufacturing from intermediates to process by TAS1R2@AuNPs/SPCE biosensor coupled with quality transfer principle

•An end-to-end dataflow engineering framework was developed and applied.•TAS1R2@AuNPs/SPCE biosensor and multivariable algorithms were integrated.•The original quality transfer principle of honey manufacturing...

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Mechanisms of nucleus accumbens deep brain stimulation in treating mental disorders

Growing evidence supports the effectiveness of deep brain stimulation (DBS) in treating various psychiatric disorders. DBS has the potential to selectively stimulate specific subcortical brain areas...

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Epigenetics disruptions enabled by porphyrin-derived metal-organic frameworks disarm resistances to sonocatalytic ROS anti-tumor actions

Post-transcriptional epigenetic modifications provide numerous implications for tumor progression, metastasis and recurrence, which also pose resistances to reactive oxygen species (ROS)-based anti-tumor....

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Strong absorption in ultra-wide band by surface nano engineering of metallic glass

Broadband light absorption is important for applications such as infrared detectors, solar energy collectors, and photothermal conversion. We propose a facile and common strategy to fabricate light...

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A review of GaN RF devices and power amplifiers for 5G communication applications

In the emerging 5G and beyond 5G (B5G) era, the spotlight is sharply focused on the power amplifier, a critical component with stringent specification requirements that dictates the performance of the...

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Modeling the modulation of beta oscillations in the basal ganglia by dual-target optogenetic stimulation

Optogenetic techniques provide precise control over the activity of specific neurons within the nucleus, offering more accurate regulatory effects compared to deep brain stimulation. The heterogeneity...

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Advances in synaptic PET imaging and intervention with synapse-targeted small-molecular drugs for dementia diagnosis and therapy

Dementia is characterized by synaptic and neuronal dysfunction in disease-specific brain regions. Repeated failure of dementia clinical trials with therapeutic drugs targeting abnormal protein aggregates...

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Quantum dots enhanced stability of in-situ fabricated perovskite nanocrystals based light-emitting diodes: Electrical field distribution effects

•Quantum dot (QD) enhanced stability of perovskite light-emitting diodes (PeLEDs) was achieved by introducing preformed CdSe/ZnS core-shell QDs in anti-solvent during in-situ ligand assisted reprecipitation...

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Profiles and natural drivers of antibiotic resistome in multiple environmental media in penguin-colonized area in Antarctica

•Interconnectivity of iARGs and eARGs were high across different media.•Bacitracin, multidrug, and aminoglycoside resistance genes were the main ARGs.•Antibiotics could indicate antibiotic-resistant...

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Cognitive reappraisal improves the social decision-making performance of suicide attempters

A growing body of evidence suggests that emotion regulation (ER) plays a crucial role in the decision-making (DM) process of suicide attempters (SA). Cognitive reappraisal (CR), an emotion regulation...

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Giant phonon anomaly in topological nodal-line semimetals

The band topology has been revealed to bring a wide array of novel electronic transport phenomena, but its interaction with phonon properties remains largely unexplored. Here we propose that continuous...

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