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ISSN: 2772-5669

Effect of 1-methylcyclopropene on the qualities of Cordyceps militaris storage

1.1-MCP treatment was applied to Cordyceps militaris and extended shelf-life for up to 24 days.2.1-MCP treatment maintained more cordycepin.3.Cordyceps militaris treated with 1-MCP treatment had higher...

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Bibliometric analysis of Hericium mushrooms for medicinal and food purposes: 1992−2023

Hericium mushrooms are a group of rare medicinal mushrooms that have attracted considerable attention worldwide. In order to gain insight into the current trends and frontiers of Hericium research,...

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Isaria cicadae Miquel, as an edible fungus, against dextran sulfate sodium -induced ulcerative colitis in BALB/c mice

Isaria cicadae Miquel is special in nutrients and can effectively relieve ulcerative colitis.Isaria cicadae Miquel shows notable protection on intestinal mucosal barrier and anti-inflammatory effect.Isaria...

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The application of medicinal fungi from the subphylum Ascomycota in the treatment of type 2 diabetes

1)This article summarizes medicinal fungi in the Ascomycota subphylum that have been confirmed to possess anti-diabetic activity, as well as those that may potentially exhibit anti-diabetic activity.2)This...

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Mushroom-derived nutraceuticals in the 21st century: an appraisal and future perspectives

•Nutraceutical role of mushrooms extends beyond traditional nutrition.•Mushrooms' secondary metabolites contribute to their therapeutic efficacy.•Ancient usage of mushrooms lays the groundwork for modern...

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Interactions between anthocyanins and gut microbiota in promoting healthy aging

•Bioavailability of anthocyanins and their digestion and absorption in the gastrointestinal tract.•Anthocyanins and their main gut metabolites directly exert biological activity and regulate healthy...

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Wheatgrass (Triticum aestivum): a miraculous microgreen: an overview

Plants have been utilized by humans throughout history for a variety of purposes, including sustenance and medicinal intentions. Since ancient times, wheatgrass has been utilized as a type of microgreen...

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Evaluating probiotic properties of gut microflora for gut modulation as an adjuvant therapy for Parkinson's disease

•Exploring gut-microflora for potent probiotic properties to be used as an adjuvant therapy for PD.•These properties include identification of bacteria that do not interfere with drug treatment, produce...

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Characterization of a novel date energy bar fortified with Moringa oleifera leaves powder

•Formulation of date energy fortified with Moringa oleifera Leaves powder (MLP) as a protein and calcium source.•Fortification with MLP in date energy bars improved the energy value.•Fortified date...

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Potential of umami molecules against SARS-CoV-2 (Omicron) S-RBD/hACE2 interaction: an in-silico study

•Umami molecules were explored to interfere SARS-CoV-2 S-(Omicron) RBD•His34, Glu37, and Asp406 are key residues in receptor-ligand complexed•4 umami molecules were selected as potential orally antiviral...

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Effect of Lactobacillus pentosus fermentation on molecular structure and gel quality of peanut protein

1.The results showed that Lactobacillus pentosus could affect the molecular structure of different components of peanut protein2.The molecular mechanism of Lactobacillus pentosus affecting the thermal...

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The volatile compounds changes of Malus asiatica Nakai under different drying methods

•The HS-GC-IMS was adopted to identified volatile compounds in fresh and dried Malus asiatica nakai samples;•The effects of different drying methods on the volatile compounds of Malus asiatica nakai...

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Mechanisms of vitamin and mineral absorption and their potential for eye fatigue relief

1.A detailed overview of the pathways by which vitamins and minerals are absorbed and metabolized in the body;2.Summarizes the important role of vitamins and minerals in the eye, and the evidence suggests...

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Simulation of high-power short time finish microwave drying of onion powder and lethal effects of microwave drying on Bacillus cereus

•Onion powder was microwave-treated, and the temperature and moisture pattern were monitored•Simulation of predicted temperature with drying time was obtained•Lethality values for Bacillus cereus spores...

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Plant proteins, insects, edible mushrooms and algae: more sustainable alternatives to conventional animal protein

•Alternative proteins are expected to play an important role as a good source of nutrition in the near future.•Aspects of nutritional value, protein properties of alternative protein were related•Understanding...

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Application and toxicological study of polyvinyl acetate (PVAc) coating on lemon (Citrus limon L.) fruit to extend the shelf life

•PVAc could be used to enhance the shelf life of lemons at (27 ± 2)°C efficiently•10% and 12.5% PVAc coating reduced the rate of respiration, firmness, weight loss significantly.•Acute toxicity studies...

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Effect of alternating magnetic field on ice crystal nucleation and its application for near-freezing temperature storage of grapes

The low temperature is an effective method for postharvest fruits preservation. However, the ice crystal nucleation caused by low temperature significantly decreases the quality of fruits. In this paper,...

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Effects of electron beam irradiation on the postharvest quality characteristics of winter jujube (Zizyphus jujuba mill. cv. Dalidongzao)

Winter jujube was irradiated with 0.5 kGy electron beam (EB) and stored at 0 °C for 60 days. The quality of winter jujube was analyzed every 10 days to explore the effect of EB on antioxidant activity...

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Yunnan edible flowers and their potential in future foods: focus on ethnological applications, chemical and pharmacological research

•The distribution, ethnomedical uses, chemical composition and biological activities of Yunnan's most ethnically distinctive edible flowers are reviewed.•Flavonoids, terpenoids, and phenolic compounds...

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Differential analysis of metabolites from mulberry (Morus abla L. cv. Longsang 1) juices fermented with Pichia kudriavzevii and Weissella confusa alone or in combination

•Both Pichia kudriavzevii (S1) and Weissella confuse (L1) were isolated from the mulberry fermentation system.•Strain L1 and S1 had a greater influence on the metabolism of acids and phenolic metabolism...

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Manganese cobalt sulfide nanoparticles wrapped by reduced graphene oxide: a fascinating nanocomposite as an efficient electrochemical sensing platform for vanillin determination

•Hollow tubular MnS/Co3S4 hybrids electrode material was prepared by hydrothermal method.•The first time, MnS/Co3S4-ERGO were used to construct sensors for the detection of vanillin.•The linear range...

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Review: application of Pichia membranifaciens in controlling postharvest fungal diseases of fruits

1.Pichia membranifaciens is a promising antagonist in controlling postharvest disease.2.The efficacy of Pichia membranifaciens was improved when combine with other methods.3.The efficacy of Pichia membranifaciens...

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The effects of controlled freezing-point storage on the postharvest quality of satsuma mandarin

1.The freezing point of satsuma mandarin was determined2.Controlled freezing-point storage technology (CFPS) was developed for satsuma3.CFPS technology completely prevented the fruit decay in the 90...

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Postharvest short-time partial dehydration extends shelf-life and improves the quality of Actinidia arguta during low temperature storage

•STPD decreased respiration and maintained high firmness of A. arguta.•STPD reduced vitamin C consumption, preserved CAT and POD activity.•ABA and ethylene content are related to A. arguta storage quality.•4...

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Preharvest CaCl2-HCl electrolyzed water treatment maintained the quality of broccoli sprouts during storage

•A new electrolyzed water - CHEW was obtained by combining SAEW and calcium•Preharvest CHEW treatment reduced electrolyte leakage, weight loss, microbial count•Preharvest CHEW treatment reduced degradation...

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